Disbursing Enterprise Wide Funds

To disburse Enterprise Wide Funds:

  1. Navigate to the Enterprise Wide Disbursement Page
  2. From the Enterprise Wide Disbursement page, select payments. Select the check box for each payment. If your organization has enabled the Manual Check Payment Settings, you can select check payments to disburse.
    To find disbursable payments, search or sort by column headings. For more information, see Finding Disbursable Payments.

    As you select payments, the disbursement amounts at the top of the page update to reflect the total amount of each payment type.

    Missing a payment to disburse?

    If you recently updated your banking information on TPM, you need to wait for the system to validate your banking details before you can disburse funds. This is temporary and once the validation process completes, you can return to this page and will see all payments available for disbursement and can continue the disbursement process.

  3. Select the Disburse Selected button.

    A Confirm Disbursement dialog box opens.

  4. Optional. In the dialog box, choose to either view disbursements by Funding Organization or by Project.
  5. Optional. Download a Selected Payment Report to save a CSV file to your computer. The CSV includes information on all selected payments.
  6. Optional. Choose the Notify Project Team of Pending Disbursement check box to notify users that payments are ready to disburse. The application sends the message to all users assigned a role on any project for which a payment is selected. You have the option to include additional comments.
  7. Enter your PIN number.
  8. Select the Confirm button.

    You can choose Cancel to return to the Enterprise Wide Disbursement page without disbursing.

    • A status bar displays on the EWD page, confirming a disbursement is in progress.
    • The application generates an EWD Status Details Report.
    • When the disbursement completes, a Disbursement Summary dialog box opens. The dialog box:
      • Includes the number of successful and failed disbursements. Failed disbursements must be retried later.
      • Mentions that the application generated an EWD Status Details Report and provides a link to the View Reports page.
      • Includes a link to the Maturity Payments page if your disbursements included one or more TPA payments.
      • Lists all failed disbursements that could not be queued and includes the reason each payment was excluded.
      • When applicable, includes a link to download a Failure Report.
      • When applicable, includes a link to download a Manual Check Report.