Accepting the Project Owner Role

To accept participation in a project as an Owner:

  1. Navigate to the Accept the Project Page
  2. On the Accept the Project page, review the project information:
    • General Contractor: The name of the General Contractor who added you as the Project Owner.
    • General Contractor Project Number: A number the General Contractor assigned to the project for identification or integration purposes.
    • Owner Contract #: A number the Owner assigns to a project for internal use.
    • Project Name: The name of the project.
    • Project Address: The location of the project.
    • Oracle TPM Project Fees: Explains who is responsible for project and Subcontractor fees for the project.
  3. (Optional) Add text in the available text field to give a reason for accepting or rejecting the Owner invitation.
  4. (Optional) Select the Decline button to reject the Owner role on the project.

    The General Contractor receives an email notification about the rejection.

  5. Select the Accept button to confirm Owner participation on the project.
    • The Edit Project Participants page displays.
    • The General Contractor receives an email, confirming your participation in the project.