Working with your Billing Workflow

  1. Your Billing Workflow tabs: Tabs help you navigate through the billing workflow.

    Tabs include:

    • Stored Materials: Only available when projects use the Track Stored Material Detail project setting. Enter amounts to track materials used and stored on and off site during the draw.
    • Progress: Only available when the draw allows progress billing. Track work completed during the draw period.
    • Retention: Only available when the draw allows retention billing. Request previously held retention.
    • Additional Information: Only available when a project tracks either drug testing or hours worked information. If a project includes both settings, you will see fields for both on this tab.
    • Review: View a summary of the billing you entered for the draw. Information includes progress and retention billing. This is the last step in the invoicing progress before you sign your draw documents. You must enter an invoice number before your company Signer can apply a signature to the invoice and associated documents.
  2. Net This Period Amount: A running balance of the net invoice for the draw appears in the page header.
  3. Save & Continue button: Save the current tab and progress to the next tab in your invoicing process. You can return to a previous tab at any time before signing your draw documents.
  4. Search and Filters: Available on the Stored Materials, Progress, and Retention tabs. Easily find specific line items. You can also choose which line items you can see by changing the
    Table View: Choose the columns to display by changing the Table View.
  5. Revert Button: Discard changes made to the invoice since the last time you saved the tab.
  6. Save Button: Save your progress.
  7. More Menu
    • Contract Level Changes: Use the Contract Level Changes option to quickly edit billing amounts across the entire invoice. As long as retention or progress billing are not locked for the current draw, you can enter a percentage to change either the percent complete or retention held across all line items.

      If this is the final invoice you plan to submit and you have completed all work on a project, you can select the Bill Full and Final check box. When you select this check box, the application will automatically request all previously held retention and update billing totals to reflect 100% completion. Not available on the Stored Materials tab.

    • Export CSV: Export an Excel document of the current invoice.
    • Upload Billing Amounts: Import a CSV file with invoice amounts. When you upload a file, the application will automatically enter your information into the invoice table. Download a template to ensure your document is formatted correctly for seamless integration. Not available on the Stored Materials tab.
    • Clear Entire Invoice: Return all current billing amounts to 0.00. Not available on the Stored Materials tab.
  8. Invoice Table: Available on the Stored Materials, Progress, and Retention tabs. A list of billable line items based off of the lines you originally edited in your Schedule of Values. View previous and current billed amounts and enter your billing for the current period.

    You can also add invoice attachments to any line item in your invoice table from the Attachments column. All file types are acceptable. Recommended types include:

    • PDF
    • XLS
    • CSV
    • DOC
    • PNG
    • JPEG.
  9. Expand Symbol: When you contract a line to a Subcontractor, you can select the Expand Symbol to show Subcontractor billing details. These details roll-up into your invoice details for the line item. Select the contract number to see Subcontractor billing information in a dialog box.