Tracking User Updates

To track changes made to a user profile from the Security Center:

  1. Navigate to the Security Center

    When the page loads, it automatically displays the User Updates tab.

  2. From the User drop-down list, select the name of the user from your organization whose activity you wish to view.
    • Basic information about the user displays at the top of the page, including the username, date the profile was created, profile status, and the last date the user updated their password.

      Note: You can see additional information if you hover over the Created date or Status. Hovering over the date displays the name of the user who initiated account creation and the date when the invite to use TPM was first sent to the user. Hovering over the Status shows who last updated the user's status along with the date of the update.

    • More detailed information about user information updates populates the data table.
  3. (Optional) Select an option from the Date Range drop-down to filter the table to control the span of time you want to track information. The shortest duration is one week. The longest is one year. The date range defaults to 30 days.
  4. View the table. Each row includes the name of the edited field and details about the edit itself.