General Information Overview for LW Subs

Customer Number

The number you receive to identify your account on TPM. You can use this number when contacting Oracle for support.

Company Name

The name of your company on TPM.

Address Line 1

The number and street name of your company's location.

Address Line 2

Additional address information, such as a suite number.


The city in which your company is located.


The state in which your company is located.

Zip Code

The zip code in which your organization is located.


The county in which your organization is located.


The country in which your organization is located.

Primary Phone Number

The phone number organizations and users can call to contact your company.

Alternative Phone Number

An additional phone number organizations can use to contact your company.

Tax Identification Number (EIN)

Your Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN). The FEIN is a nine-digit number formatted with a dash.

Country of Operations

The country where your company resides and work will be preformed. This will also determine your bank country.

Default Translation

Determines the spelling of different fields and workflows on TPM. Options include: English-Australia, English-US, English-Canada, English-UAE, and English-GB.

Organization Role

The role your of your organization on TPM. Though you are working as an LW Subcontractor, your organization role may say Subcontractor.

Organization Type

The way you classify your organization. Use the drop-down list to choose one of the following: Individual, Corporation, Partnership, Other.

Diversity Status

If you are a diverse business, you can include your diversity status as a part of your organization profile. Select Manage Classifications to open a list of diversity business statuses you can choose to include.