Applying Standard Approval

Standard Approval on the system allows Owners assigned to approve or reject General Contractor invoices.

Note: The Signer role is assigned on the User Roles page during project setup.

  1. From either the Project Home or Tasks page, select the Approve Invoice link.

    The Review tab in the Billing Workflow displays.

  2. From the Billing Summary card, review the billing details.
  3. Select Approve. The Approve Invoice dialog box opens.
    1. Use the Comment to General Contractor text box to enter a public message for the General Contractor.
    2. Select the Approve button.

      Next Step dialog box confirms the invoice has been approved.

  4. To reject an invoice:
    1. Choose Reject.
    2. From the Reject Invoice dialog box, use the text box to add the reason you are rejecting the invoice.
    3. Select the Reject button.
      Next Step dialog box confirms the invoice has been rejected.