Extending a TPA Funding Cutoff

When a TPA funding cutoff date is approaching for one of your invoices, you will receive a notification about the deadline. When you view the invoice, payment details about the invoice—including fees, the payment amount, and cutoff details—display on the page.

You can choose to either extend the current cutoff date or to continue using the current cutoff date. If you do not extend the cutoff date and that date passes, your payment method will revert to ACH.

To extend a TPA funding cutoff date on an invoice approaching the cutoff deadline:

  1. From the Invoice Nearing Funding Cutoff Date email notification, select the Review Funding Cutoff link.
  2. If prompted, log in to your Textura Payment Management account.

    Once logged in, the Confirm TPA Project Cutoff page displays.

  3. Optional. View and verify the payment information on the right side of the page.
  4. Select the Yes, extend cutoff date option.
  5. Select Confirm.