TPA Dashboard (Enterprise Project View) Program Settings Fields

Vendor Name

The name of the Subcontractor organization enrolled in a TPA program.

Contract Number

A number used to define a contract. This is the contract belonging to the Subcontractor organization enrolled in a TPA program.


The draw in which the Subcontractor submitted the invoice approaching the TPA cutoff deadline.

Invoice Status

The current status of the Subcontractor's TPA-eligible invoice. Statuses include:

Payment Amount

The total of the funds approved for disbursement before applicable fees, including TPA program early payment fees.

Funding Amount

The amount of funds owed to a Subcontractor invoice. This value equals the submitted invoice amount less the discount amount agreed upon as part of the TPA program for early payment.

Cutoff Date

The last day a TPA payment must be funded in, lest the invoice funding reverts to ACH for the invoice. This date is based off of either the Draw Period To Date or Invoice Approval Date.

Extension Status

Shows whether a TPM funding cutoff date was extended, an extension was declined, or an extension is available.


Links to the Edit Payment Status page. You can use this page to release an outstanding payment hold.