1 Release Notes

This chapter provides an overview of the various feature enhancements introduced in Oracle Communications Pricing Design Center (PDC) 11.2 and 11.2 patch sets. Detailed information on the new features for PDC 11.2 Patch Set 1 is included in this chapter.

PDC 11.2 Patch Set 1 Release Notes

This section provides information about PDC 11.2 Patch Set 1.

New Features in PDC 11.2 Patch Set 1

This section describes the features introduced in PDC 11.2 Patch Set 1.

PDC Now Supports Wildcard in Item Type Selectors

PDC now supports wildcard (*) in item type selectors for services and events. You can use the wildcard to substitute one or more characters in the service or event name to indicate that any value is acceptable; for example, /service/telco/gsm*. The following elements are added in PDC to support wildcard: applicableToAllChildServices and applicableToAllChildEvents. By setting the true or false value to these elements, you can indicate whether the item type selector is applicable to child services or events.

If wildcard is used in the services and events, Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management Elastic Charging Engine (ECE), real-time rating engine, and batch rating engine use the applicableToAllChildServices and applicableToAllChildEvents values to identify if the services or events are applicable for all child services or events. If the value is set to true, the item type selector is considered for all the child services and events. If the value is set to false, the child services or events are not considered.

For more information, see the discussion about configuring item type selectors in PDC User's Guide.

PDC Synchronizes Event Data Using Event Types

With this enhancement, the BRM event data is synchronized with PDC based on the event type defined in BRM. For information on the list of event types in BRM, refer to the BRM 7.5 Patch Set 22 Release Notes.


When you set an event type in BRM, note the following:
  • If the event type is set to NONE in BRM and the corresponding event is not mapped in the pin_event_map file, the event does not synchronize with PDC.

  • If the event type is set to NONE in BRM and the corresponding event is mapped in the pin_event_map file, the event synchronizes with PDC. However, you should modify the event type in BRM from NONE to the relevant event type and then run the SyncPDC utility again if you want to use this event type for creating a pricing component.

After you create an event and synchronize it with PDC, it is not recommended to modify the event type of the event. However, if you have set the incorrect event type, you can modify the incorrect event type by updating it in BRM and then synchronizing in PDC. You can modify the event type only for the custom events. For example, if the event type for the parent event /event/session/telco/gprs is set as USAGE_PREPAID and the event type for the child event /event/session/telco/gprs/master is set as NONE, you must change the event type for the child event as USAGE_PREPAID in BRM, synchronize it with PDC, and then publish to ECE. See "Synchronizing and Publishing Event Type to ECE" for synchronizing the modified data to PDC and publishing it to ECE.

Synchronizing and Publishing Event Type to ECE

To synchronize the event type with PDC and publish it to ECE:

  1. Ensure that the event type is changed in BRM. For more information, see the discussion about changing the event type in BRM 7.5 Release Notes.

  2. Run the SyncPDC utility.

  3. Go to PDC_home/apps/bin, where PDC_home is the directory in which the PDC software is installed.

  4. Export the event that you want to modify by using the following command:

    ImpotExportPricing -export filename.xml -metadata

    where filename is the name of the XML file.

  5. Verify the exported data in the XML file and set the <overwrite> value to TRUE in the following opVersion syntax:

  6. Import the modified XML file into PDC database by running the following command:

    ImpotExportPricing -import -metadata filename -ow

    Modified event type is published to ECE.

For more information on POID support in ECE, see ECE 11.3 Release Notes.

Summary of Fixes

Table 1-1 lists the bugs that were fixed in PDC 11.2 Patch Set 1 and provides a brief description of the resolution.

Table 1-1 Bug Fixes in PDC 11.2 Patch Set 1

SR Number Description


Users could not migrate configuration objects due to the Unmatch EDR Field Type error. A few OOB field types are appearing as a string in the system.

This has been fixed after changing the string to block and migrating the metadata.


When importing an item type selector, NullPointerException was encountered due to default impactSpec was not set.

This has been fixed by adding a validation. Now, at least one default itemSpec is available for an item type selector.


PDC real-time rating transformation engine was converting incorrect time stamp for deals. It was resulting in validation failures during publishing due to deal or product timestamps were not aligned.

This has been fixed by aligning timestamps. Now, timestamp conversion occurs without errors.


Users could not migrate pricing objects that were using the BRE fields belonging to the CUST_A because these fields were not being migrated to PDC as part of metadata migration.

This has been fixed by migrating CUST_A fields associated with the service /service to PDC.

Known Problems

This section describes known problems and workarounds for PDC 11.2 Patch Set 1.

Error Message Appears when Obsoleting a Few Pricing Components

SR Number: Not applicable

When you obsolete any of the following pricing components of a package or bundle and click Validate, an error message appears:

  • Package Exclusion

  • Package Transition

  • Bundle Dependency

  • Bundle Transition

  • Alteration Exclusion

To workaround this problem, click Save or Save and Done, and Validate in the Workspace.

Error Message Appears when a Discount Exclusion is Configured

SR Number: Not applicable

When you configure a discount exclusion and click Save, an error message appears.

To workaround this problem, click Save again.

Migration Fails even when the Migration Process is Enabled to Skip Errors

SR Number: Not applicable

During migration, when a critical error is encountered while migrating a discount filter or a discount trigger, migration fails with errors even when the migration process is enabled to skip errors and continue migration.

To work around this problem, manually fix the errors encountered during migration and restart the migration process.

You are not Warned to Save your Changes

SR Number: Not applicable

After modifying a setup or pricing component, you are not warned that you have unsaved changes when you do the following:

  • Close the tab

  • Log out of PDC

If you perform any of the above actions before saving your changes, the changes are lost.

To work around this problem, save your changes before closing a tab or logging out of PDC.

PDC 11.2 Release Notes

This section lists new features introduced in PDC 11.2.

New Features in PDC 11.2

This section provides an overview of the features introduced in PDC 11.2.

Support for Fixed Impact Type for One-Time and Recurring Charges in PDC

In previous releases, you could configure only scaled amounts for one-time and recurring charges. This was causing discrepancies in rating.

With this enhancement, you can configure fixed impact type for one-time and recurring charges by using the PDC user interface or by using ImportExportPricing utility. In the PDC user interface, you can select the Fixed Charge option when you add the one-time and the recurring charge to a charge offer. For more information, see the discussion about adding charges to a charge offer in the PDC Online Help.

By using the XML file, you can specify the FIXED option in the ImpactType element for one-time and recurring charges and then import the XML file into the PDC database by using the ImportExportPricing utility. For more information, see the discussion about the ImportExportPricing utility in PDC User's Guide.

Support for Obsoleting Promoted Pricing Components

In previous releases, you could delete only the pricing components that are in the Draft status. This resulted in the increase of unnecessary pricing components in the Promoted status and it was affecting the search performance.

With this enhancement, you can obsolete the pricing components that are in the Promoted status by using the PDC user interface or by using the ImportExportPricing utility.

For more information on obsoleting pricing components by using the PDC user interface, see the PDC Online Help.

For more information on obsoleting pricing components by using ImportExportPricing utility, see the discussion about obsoleting the pricing components in PDC User's Guide.

Support for Hiding and Closing Failed Changesets

In previous releases, you could not hide or close failed changesets in the PDC user interface. This resulted in the increase of failed changesets. This was affecting the performance of the PDC user interface.

With this enhancement, you can show, hide, and close failed changesets by using the PDC user interface.

For more information, see the discussion about showing or hiding failed changesets in the PDC Online Help.

Support for Configuring Custom Rules in the PDC User Interface

In previous releases, you could configure custom rules only by importing them into the PDC database by using the ImportExportPricing utility.

You can now configure custom rules by using the PDC user interface. For more information, see the discussion about creating custom analyzer rules (custom rules) in the PDC Online Help.

PDC 11.2 is Certified with Oracle WebLogic Server 12c

PDC 11.2 is certified with Oracle WebLogic Server 12c Standard Edition or Enterprise Edition ( and the following patches:

  • 26626168

  • 27010571

For more information, see PDC Installation and System Administration Guide.

Summary of Fixes

Table 1-2 lists the bugs that were fixed in PDC 11.2 and provides a brief description of the resolution.

Table 1-2 Bug Fixes in PDC 11.2

SR Number Description


Loading the USC_MAP configuration resulted in error due to the case sensitivity check.

This has been fixed by removing the case sensitivity check.

Known Problems

This section describes known problems and workarounds for PDC 11.2.

Migration Fails even when the Migration Process is Enabled to Skip Errors

SR Number: Not applicable

During migration, when a critical error is encountered while migrating a discount filter or a discount trigger, migration fails with errors even when the migration process is enabled to skip errors and continue migration.

To work around this problem, manually fix the errors encountered during migration and restart the migration process.

You are not Warned to Save your Changes

SR Number: Not applicable

After modifying a setup or pricing component, you are not warned that you have unsaved changes when you do the following:

  • Close the tab

  • Log out of PDC

If you perform any of the above actions before saving your changes, the changes are lost.

To work around this problem, save your changes before closing a tab or logging out of PDC.