9 Replicating Data Between PDC Systems

This chapter describes how to replicate data from one Oracle Communications Pricing Design Center (PDC) system to another, such as from a development system to a test system.


You can replicate data between databases of the same patch set only. For example, you can replicate data from a PDC 11.2 database to another PDC 11.2 database only.

Before replicating the data, you must be familiar with the following:

To use ImportExportPricing, you must also understand the following:

  • Extensible markup language (XML) programming

  • XML schema definition (XSD)

About Replicating Data

You replicate data by extracting data from a source PDC database and then loading the data into a destination PDC database by using the ImportExportPricing utility.


If you are creating a new target system where you want to replicate the data, set up a new Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management (BRM) system and a new PDC system before replicating the data. See the discussion about installing and configuring BRM and PDC in PDC Installation and System Administration Guide for more information.

Do not load the sample files in the PDC_home/apps/samples/examples directory after installing PDC, where PDC_home is the directory in which the PDC software is installed.

Replicating data between two PDC systems involves the following tasks:

  1. Replicating Setup Components Mastered in BRM

  2. Replicating Data Between PDC Databases

Replicating Setup Components Mastered in BRM

Some setup components are mastered in BRM and are then synchronized with PDC.

To ensure that all the setup components mastered in the source BRM system are synchronized with the destination BRM and PDC systems, extract the setup components from the source BRM database and load them into the destination BRM database by using the BRM load utilities. When you replicate the PDC data, these components will be synchronized with the destination PDC system.

Table 9-1 lists the type of setup components that are mastered in BRM and their corresponding load utilities.

Table 9-1 Setup Components Mastered in BRM and Their Corresponding Load Utilities in BRM

Setup Component Type BRM Load Utility









Tax Supplier


Provisioning Tag


Tax Code


Note: To replicate the tax codes, copy the taxcodes_map file in the source BRM system to the destination BRM system. The default location of the taxcodes_map file is the BRM_Home/sys/cm directory, where BRM_Home is the directory in which you installed BRM.

See the following for more information:

Replicating Data Between PDC Databases

To replicate data between PDC databases:

  1. Extract the custom fields from the source PDC database and load them into the destination PDC database by doing the following:

    1. Export the custom fields from the source PDC database by running the following command:

      ImportExportPricing -export -customfields

      The custom fields are exported to the export_custom.xml file.

    2. Ensure that the transformation engines are running. See the discussion about starting the transformation engines in PDC Installation and System Administration Guide for more information.

    3. Import the exported custom fields from the export_custom.xml file into the destination PDC database by running the following command:

      ImportExportPricing -import -customfields export_custom.xml
  2. Extract the service, account, event, and profile (applicable only if you are using BRM Elastic Charging Engine (ECE) for usage rating) attribute specifications from the source PDC database and load them into the destination PDC database by doing the following:

    1. Export the service, account, event, and profile (if applicable) attribute specifications from the source PDC database by running the following command:

      ImportExportPricing -export -metadata

      The service, account, event, and profile (if applicable) attribute specifications are exported to the export_meta_config.xml file.


      Do not change the internal IDs of the exported attribute specifications.
    2. Ensure that the transformation engines are running. See the discussion about starting the transformation engines in PDC Installation and System Administration Guide for more information.

    3. Import the exported attribute specifications from the export_meta_config.xml file into the destination PDC database by running the following command:

      ImportExportPricing -import -metadata export_meta_config.xml
  3. Run the SyncPDC utility by doing the following:

    1. Go to the BRM_Integration_Pack_Home/apps/syncpdc directory.

    2. Enter the following command:


      The Enter Key Password prompt appears.

    3. Enter the password PDC uses for accessing the PDC alias key in the keystore (BRM_Integration_Pack_Home/apps/conf/pdc.jks).

    See "Running SyncPDC" for more information.

  4. Extract all the setup components that are defined in PDC from the source PDC database and load them into the destination PDC database by doing the following:

    1. Export all the setup components from the source PDC database by running the following command:

      ImportExportPricing -export -config

      The setup components are exported to the export_config.xml file.

    2. Import the exported setup components from the export_config.xml file into the destination PDC database by running the following command:

      ImportExportPricing -import -config export_config.xml
  5. Extract all the pricing components from the source PDC database and load them into the destination PDC database by doing the following:

    1. Export all the pricing components from the source PDC database by running the following command:

      ImportExportPricing -export -pricing

      The pricing components are exported to the export_pricing.xml file.

    2. Import all the pricing components from the export_pricing.xml file into the destination PDC database by running the following command:

      ImportExportPricing -import -pricing export_pricing.xml