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Oracle® Retail Enterprise Inventory Cloud Service Administration Guide
Release 18.0
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H Appendix: Permissions

Security Permissions

Table H-1 Security Permissions

Permission Topic Usage

Access Ad Hoc Stock Count Tolerances


With this permission, the user will have access to the Ad hoc Stock Count Tolerance dialog.

Access Admin


With this permission, the user will have access to the Admin menu.

Access Auto-Receive Stores


With this permission, the user will have access to the Auto Receive Stores admin dialog.

Access Barcode Processor


With this permission, the user will have access to the Barcode Processor dialog.

Access Batch Admin


With this permisson, the user will have access to the batch job admin dialog.

Access Buddy Stores


With this permission, the user will have access to the Buddy Store dialog.

Access Carrier Services


With this permission, the user can access the Carrier Service dialog to add and edit the carrier service data.

Access Carriers


With this permission, the user can access the Carrier dialog to add or edit the carrier data.

Access Code Info


With this permission, the user can access the Code Info dialog to add, edit and delete code information.

Access Container Lookup


With this permission, the user will have access to the Container Lookups dialog.

Access Customer Order Picking Tolerances


With this permission, the user will have access to the Customer Order Picking Tolerance dialog.

Access Data Seed


With this permission the user will have the ability to start the data seeding job via the batch job admin.

Access Inventory Adjustment Reasons


With this permission, the user will have access to the Inventory Adjustment Reason admin dialog and the ability to setup and maintain inventory adjustment reason codes.

Access Inventory Management


With this permission, the user will have access to the Inventory Management.

Access Item CFAs


With this permission, the CFAs will be available on Item Detail in Item Lookup

Access Item Lookup


With this permission, the user will have access to the Item Lookup functionality.

Access Job Admin


With this permission, the user can access the Job admin dialog.

Access Job Scheduler


With this permission, the user can access the Job scheduler dialog.

Access Lookup


With this permission, the user will have access to functionality within Lookups.

Access MPS Staged Messages


User must have this permission in order to access the MPS Staged Messages screen to view or edit the inbound and outbound messages.

Access MPS Work Types


User must have this permission in order to Access or Edit the Worker Type settings in MAF.

Access Package Size


With this permission the user will have access to the Package Size admin dialog.

Access Printer Setup


With this permission, the user can access the printer setup dialog.

Access Product Group Schedules


With this permission the user will have access to the Product Group Schedule dialog.

Access Product Groups


With this permission, the user will have access to the admin Product Group and Product Group Component functionality

Access Reports


With this permission, the user can access the Reports dialog.

Access Shipment Reasons


With this permission, the user will have access to the Shipment Reason admin dialog and the ability to setup and maintain shipment reason codes.

Access Shipping Receiving


With this permission, the user will have access to functionality within Shipping/Receiving.

Access Supplier CFAs


With this permission, the CFAs will be available on Supplier Detail in Supplier Lookup.

Access Store Administration


With this permission, the user will have access to Store Administration dialog

Access Store Administration Default


With this permission, the user will have access to Store Administration default dialog.

Access Sub Buckets


With this permission, the user can access the Sub bucket dialog.

Access Supplier Lookup


With this permission the user will have access to Supplier Lookup and the Supplier Lookup menu option will appear in the drawer (main menu).

Access System Administration


With this permission, the user will have access to the 'System Administration' dialog.

Access Technical Maintenance


With this permission, the user will have access to Technical Maintenance dialog.

Access Transaction History


With this permission the user will have access to the Transaction History dialog.

Access Translation Setup


With this permission, the user can access the Translation Setup dialog.

Access Troubled Transaction


With this permission, the user can select the Troubled Transaction List from the Inventory Management menu.

Access UDAs


With this permission, in Item Lookup the user will be able to search for an item by a search type of UDA.

Also, the UDAs will be available on Item Detail in Item Lookup.

All Stores Product Groups


With this permission, Product Groups for All Stores can be created as well as edited.

Without this permission, Product Groups cannot be created for all stores and they can only be viewed for all stores.

Create Notes


With this permission, the user will be able to add notes within the notes dialog.

Create Product Group Schedules


With this permission, the user can create new Product Group Schedules.

Create Product Groups


With this permission, the user will be able to create a new Product Group.

Create Translations


With this permission, the user can create new translations.

Delete Product Group Schedules


With this permission, the user can delete Product Group Schedules.

Delete Product Groups


With this permission, the user can delete a Product Group.

Delete MPS Staged Messages


User must have this permission in order to delete the inbound and outbound messages.

Display Stock Locator


With this permission, the user will have access to Stock Locator within Item Lookup.

Edit Job Schedules


With this permission the user can edit Job Schedules.

Edit Product Group Schedules


With this permission, the Product Group Schedule will be editable.

Edit Product Groups


With this permission, the user can Edit an existing Product Group which also includes adding and removing Product Group Components.

Update Resolution Status


With this privilege the Resolve/Reset button on the Troubled Transactions List screen will be displayed and enabled.

Update Uin Status


With this permission, the user can update the status of the UIN from the history screen.

View Uin History


With this permission, the user will be able to access the UIN Lookup feature and view the history in EICS.

Access Customer Details

Customer Order

With this permission the user will have access to the Customer Details (name, address, and so on) associated with the customer order.

Access Customer Order

Customer Order

With this permission, the user will have access to Customer Orders dialog.

Access Customer Order Delivery

Customer Order

With this permission, a user can access the Customer Order Delivery dialog.

Access Customer Order Management

Customer Order

With this permission, the user will have access to the Customer Order Management operations within the drawer/menu.

Access Customer Order Pick

Customer Order

With this permission, the user will have access to the Customer Order Picking dialog.

Access Customer Order Reverse Pick

Customer Order

With this permission, the user will have access to the Customer Order Reverse Picking dialog.

Cancel Submit Customer Order Delivery

Customer Order

With this permission, the user will be able to Cancel Submit a ”Submitted” status Customer Order Delivery that is a ”web order.

Confirm Customer Order Pick

Customer Order

With this permission, the user can Confirm a customer order pick.

Confirm Customer Order Reverse Pick

Customer Order

With this permission, the user will be able to Confirm a customer order reverse pick.

Create Customer Order Delivery

Customer Order

With this permission, the user can create a new delivery for a Customer Order that is a ”web order".

Used in conjunction with Modify Customer Order Delivery permission.

Create Customer Order Pick

Customer Order

With this permission, the user will be able to create customer order picks.

Picks can be created from within a Customer Order (for a single customer order pick).

Picks can be created from within Customer Order Picking.

Create Customer Order Reverse Pick

Customer Order

With this permission, the user will be able to create customer order reverse picks.

Delete Customer Order Delivery

Customer Order

With this permission, the user will be able to delete a customer order delivery that is a ”web order”.

Used in conjunction with Modify Customer Order Delivery permission.

Delete Customer Order Pick

Customer Order

With this permission, the user will be able to delete a customer order pick.

Delete Customer Order Reverse Pick

Customer Order

With this permission, the user will be able to delete a customer order reverse pick.

Dispatch Customer Order Delivery

Customer Order

With this permission, the user can Dispatch a Customer Order Delivery that is a ”web order".

Used in conjunction with Modify Customer Order Delivery permission.

Dispatch Incomplete Customer Order Delivery

Customer Order

When dispatching a delivery that requires full delivery (Allow Partial Delivery = ’No'), the entire delivery must be delivered in full.

With this permission, the user will get a warning message and will be able to continue the dispatch without full delivery.

Without this permission the delivery must be in full.

Edit CFA

Customer Order

With this permission, 'Edit CFA' option will be available to the user in Customer Order Items screen.

Edit Customer Order Delivery

Customer Order

With this permission, the user can edit and existing delivery for a Customer Order that is a ”web order”. Used in conjunction with Modify Customer Order Delivery permission.

Edit Customer Order BOL

Customer Order

With this permission, the user will be able to edit the details of the Bill of Lading in the associated with a customer order delivery. This is done in the Edit Shipment screen. User must also have Edit Customer Order Delivery permission

Edit Customer Order Pick

Customer Order

With this permission, the user will be able to edit active customer order picks.

Edit Customer Order Reverse Pick

Customer Order

With this permission, the user will be able to edit active reverse picks

Edit Quantity Delivery

Customer Order

With this permission, the user will be able to tap on the item quantity and the quantity widget will open to edit the quantity.User must also have Edit Customer Order Delivery permission as well.Without this permission, the quantity is not editable via the manual dialog and only scanning is allowed.

Edit Quantity Picking

Customer Order

With this permission, the user will be able to tap on the item quantity and the quantity widget will open to edit the quantity.User must also have Edit Customer Order Pick permission. Without this permission, the quantity is not editable via the manual dialog and only scanning is allowed.

Edit Quantity Reverse Picking

Customer Order

With this permission, the user will be able to tap on the item quantity and the quantity widget will open to edit the quantity.User must also have Edit Customer Order Reverse Pick permission. Without this permission, the quantity is not editable via the manual dialog and only scanning is allowed.

Item Substitution For Picking

Customer Order

With this permission, the user will have access to the Item Substitution dialog within Customer Order Picking.

Modify Customer Order Delivery for Pickup

Customer Order

With this permission, the user will be able to modify the details and state of Customer Order Deliveries which are of type store pickup. Most other Customer Order Delivery permissions require this permission and/or the Modify Customer Order Delivery Shipment permission.

Modify Customer Order Delivery for Shipment

Customer Order

With this permission, the user will be able to modify the details and state of Customer Order Deliveries which are of type shipment. Most other Customer Order Delivery permissions require this permission and/or the Modify Customer Order Delivery Pickup permission.

Reject Customer Order

Customer Order

With this permission, the user will be able to Reject a Customer Order.

Submit Customer Order Delivery

Customer Order

With this permission, the user will be able to Submit a Customer Order Delivery that is a ”web order”. Used in conjunction with Modify Customer Order Delivery permission.

View Customer Order BOL

Customer Order

With this permission, the user can access and view the details of the Bill of Lading associated with a customer order delivery.

Access Adjust Container DSD Receiving

DSD Receiving

With this permission, the user will be able to adjust the container in a delivery.

Access Confirm Container DSD Receiving

DSD Receiving

With this permission, the user can confirm the container receipt from the supplier.

Access Confirm DSD Receipt

DSD Receiving

With this permission, the user will be able to confirm the Direct store delivery.

Access Create Container

DSD Receiving

With this permission, the user can create a new container in the DSD receipt.

Access Delete Container

DSD Receiving

With this permission, the user can delete a container.

Access Delete Receipt

DSD Receiving

With this permission, the user will be able to delete a direct store delivery.

Access Document DSD Receiving

DSD Receiving

With this permission, the user will be able to select the PO to apply items on the receipt.User must also have Edit container and Modify container permissions in order to do this operation.

Access DSD Receiving

DSD Receiving

With this permission, the user will have access to the DSD Receiving dialog.

Access Purchase Order

DSD Receiving

With this permission, the user will be able to access the Purchase Orders.

Access Reject Delivery

DSD Receiving

With this permission, the user will be able to reject a direct store delivery.

Add Unexpected Item

DSD Receiving

With this permission, the user will be able to add the unexpected items to the container.

Allow DSD Receiving With PO

DSD Receiving

With this permission, the user will be able to create a receipt against a PO but without ASN.

Allow DSD Receiving Without PO

DSD Receiving

With this permission, the user will be able to create a receipt without PO.

Allow Over Receiving for DSD Receiving

DSD Receiving

With this permission, the user will be able to do over receiving.

Allow Receiving Damages

DSD Receiving

With this permission, the user will be able to receive damaged items and make all remaining quantity to be received as damaged.User must also have Edit container and Modify container permissions in order to do this operation.

Default Qty in All Containers

DSD Receiving

With this permission, the user will be able to default the received quantity for all the containers in the delivery

Default Qty in Container

DSD Receiving

With this permission, the user will be able to default the received quantity with the remaining quantity in the container.User must also have permission to ’Modify container' in order to do this operation.

Display Expected Quantity

DSD Receiving

With this permission, the user will be able to view the expected quantity during the receipt.

Edit Container

DSD Receiving

With this permission, the user can edit the container line items, modify the line item quantities or delete the item.User must also have permission to ’Modify container' in order to do this operation.

Edit Container Info DSD Receiving

DSD Receiving

With this permission, the user will be able to edit the container information.User must also have permission to ’Modify container' in order to do this operation.

Edit Delivery Info

DSD Receiving

With this permission, the user will be able to edit the delivery information.

Edit Quantity

DSD Receiving

With this permission, the user will be able to edit the quantity of the item in the delivery.

User must also have Edit container and Modify container permissions in order to do this operation.

Activate Container Edits

DSD Receiving

User needs this permission combined with the other respective permission(s) to update any information on the container.

Override Not After Date Check

DSD Receiving

With this permission, the user can override the not after date check. This permission will allow the user to receive delivery where the receipt date passed the not after date in PO.

Override Supplier Discrepancies

DSD Receiving

With this permission, the user will be able to override the supplier discrepancies when quantity is validated.

Receive Direct Delivery on Shop Floor

DSD Receiving

With this permission, the user will be able to receive delivery on shop floor directly.

Finisher UIN Discrepancy


With this permission, the user will be notified when a finisher return received quantity does not match the number of serial numbers on the return.

Without this permission, the user will not be notified.

Receiving UIN Discrepancy


With this permission, the user will be notified when the number of pre-populated serial numbers does not match the received quantity.

Without this permission, the user will not be notified.

UIN Items on Incoming ASN Failed


With this permission, the user will be notified if an Auto Generated SN item is on the ASN with pre-generated numbers when processing thru the RIB.

Without this permission, the user will not be notified.

Unexpected UIN (Store Changed)


With this permission, the user will be notified when UINs are discovered at a store where they should not be.

Without this permission, the user will not be notified.

Access Inventory Adjustment

Inventory Adjustments

With this permission a user will have access to the Inventory Adjustment dialog.

Complete Inventory Adjustment

Inventory Adjustments

With this permission, the user can Confirm an inventory adjustment.

User must also have data permissions for each adjustment reason on the adjustment.

Edit CFA

Inventory Adjustments

With this permission, Edit CFA option will be available to the user in Inve

Create Inventory Adjustment

Inventory Adjustments

With this permission, the user can create a new inventory adjustment.

This permission must exist as well for a user to copy a ”completed” inventory adjustment.

User must also have data permissions for each adjustment reason on the adjustment.

Delete Inventory Adjustment

Inventory Adjustments

With this permission, the user will be able to delete an inventory adjustment.

User must also have data permissions for each adjustment reason on the adjustment.

Edit CFA

Inventory Adjustments

With this permission, 'Edit CFA' option will be available to the user in Inventory Adjustment Items screen.

Edit Inventory Adjustment

Inventory Adjustments

With this permission, the user will be able to edit existing inventory adjustments.

User must also have data permissions for each adjustment reason on the adjustment.

Edit Quantity

Inventory Adjustments

With this permission, the user will be able to tap on the item quantity and the quantity widget will open to edit the quantity.

User must also have Edit Inventory Adjustment permission as well as data permissions for each adjustment reason on the adjustment.

Access Notifications


With this permission, the bell notification icon will be displayed in the drawer/menu as well as on the Open Transactions header.

The view on the notification will also be displayed.

Customer Order Pick Reminder


With this permission, the user will be notified, if the pick list has been created but not actioned

Customer Order Receipt


With this permission, the user will be notified when customer orders are received.

Customer Order Reminder


With this permission, the user will be notified when the customer order has not been fulfilled.

Damaged Delivery


With this permission, the user will be notified when the delivery includes damaged items.

Display Notification Warning


With this permission, the user will receive a notification warning when a new notification is created / inserted into the system.

Misdirected Container


With this permission, the user will be notified when a container has been received in another location.

New Customer Order


With this permission, the user will be notified when customer orders are created.

New Customer Order Reverse Pick


With this permission, the user will be notified when a new cross channel customer order reverse picks arrives.

RTV Request Expiration Approaching


With this permission, the user will be notified if the supplier return request expiration date is approaching.

RTV Unavailable request quantity


With this permission, the user will be notified if there is not enough inventory in the unavailable bucket to send back to supplier from a return request.

Shipped Delivery Overdue


With this permission, the user will be notified when the shipped delivery has not been received and has passed the expected date.

Store Delivery Unable to Auto-Receive


With this permission, the user will be notified when a store delivery has discrepancies and cannot be auto received.

Store Receiving Over/Under


With this permission, the user will be notified when a store transfer has over/under received quantities.

Transfer Request


With this permission, the user will be notified when a transfer request is created.

Transfer Request Approved


With this permission, the user will be notified when a transfer request is approved.

Transfer Request Expiration Approaching


With this permission, the user will be notified when a transfer request has not been approved and the request is about to expire. This is based on the not after date set.

Transfer Request Rejected


With this permission, the user will be notified when a transfer request is rejected.

Transfer Unavailable Request Quantity


With this permission, the user will be notified when the requested quantity is no longer available at the requested source location.

Warehouse Delivery Unable to Auto-Receive


With this permission, the user will be notified when the delivery includes pre-populated serial numbers and cannot be automatically received.

Send Transaction Notification

Open Transactions

With this permission the user will be able to send a notification. This is done from within the Open Transactions dialog; the user will be able to swipe an open transaction and send a notification.

View Transactions

Open Transactions

With this permission the user will have the potential to view all of the open transactions for the user's store (depending on data permissions).

Without this permission, the Open Transactions dialog will still display (just without the transactions listed); however the list of open transactions will be empty.

Accept RTV


With this permission, the user will be able to approve a return request.

User must also have data permissions for each return reason on the return.

Access RTV


With this permission, a user will have access to the RTV dialog and the RTV menu option will appear in the Drawer.

Add Items To RTV


With this permission, the user will be able to add items to a return.

User must also have Modify RTV and Edit RTV permissions as well as data permissions for each return reason on the RTV

Close RTV


With this permission, the user will be able to close an RTV.

User must also have data permissions for each return reason on the return.

Create RTV


With this permission, the user can create a new return.

User must also have data permissions for each return reason on the return.

Delete RTV


With this permission, the user can delete a return.

User must also have data permissions for each return reason on the return.

Edit Quantity


With this permission, the user will be able to tap on the item quantity and the quantity widget will open to edit the quantity.

User must also have Modify RTV and Edit RTV permissions as well as data permissions for each return reason on the RTV.

Without this permission, the quantity is not editable via the manual dialog and only scanning is allowed.

Edit RTV Info


With this permission, the user will be able to edit the header information of an RTV.

Modify RTV


User is required to have Modify RTV permission in order for Edit RTV or Edit RTV Info to activate. that is the changes made on the RTV, because the user had Edit RTV and Edit RTV Info permissions, cannot be committed unless the user has Modify permission.

Reject RTV


With this permission, the user will be able to reject a return request.

User must also have data permissions for each return reason on the return.

Access RTV Shipment

RTV Shipment

With this permission, the user can access shipments from RTV requests.

Without this permission, the user will not be able to access the shipments from RTV requests.

Add Unexpected Items to RTV Shipment

RTV Shipment

With this permission, the user will be allowed to add items, that are not present in the RTV Document, into the shipment.

User must also have Modify Container and Edit Container permission as well as data permissions for each return reason on the container.

Adjust Carrier

RTV Shipment

With this permission, the user will be able to update the BOL details of a shipment even after at least one container has been confirmed.

Adjust Container RTV Shipment

RTV Shipment

With this permission, the user will be allowed to bring the container back to editable status. User must also have data permissions for each return reason on the container.

Allow over shipping RTV Shipment

RTV Shipment

With this permission, the user will be allowed to go over Approved quantity in the RTV document

User must also have Modify Container and Edit Container permission as well as data permissions for each return reason on the container.

Without this permission, the user will not be allowed to enter qty more than Approved qty.

Cancel Submit RTV Shipment

RTV Shipment

With this permission, the user can cancel submit RTV shipments.

Close RTV Shipment

RTV Shipment

With this permission, the user can close RTV shipments.

Without this permission, the user will not be able to close RTV shipments.

Confirm RTV Shipment Container

RTV Shipment

With this permission, the user can confirm containers in the shipments. User must also have data permissions for each return reason on the container.

Create RTV Shipment

RTV Shipment

With this permission, the user can create shipments for RTV requests.

Create RTV Shipment Container

RTV Shipment

With this permission, the user will be allowed to create a container for the shipment.

Default Items to RTV Shipment

RTV Shipment

With this permission, the user will be allowed to add items from the RTV document into shipment. User must also have data permissions for each return reason on the shipment.

Without this permission, the user will not be allowed to add items from the RTV document into shipment

Delete RTV Shipment

RTV Shipment

With this permission, the user can delete RTV shipments.

Delete RTV Shipment Container

RTV Shipment

With this permission, the user can delete containers in the shipments.

User must also have data permissions for each return reason on the container.

Dispatch Shipment

RTV Shipment

With this permission, the user can dispatch RTV shipments.

Edit Container RTV Shipment

RTV Shipment

With this permission, the user will be allowed to edit the line item details, update qty, remove item, restore item, cancel the current edits, and so on,

User must also have Modify Container permission as well as data permissions for each return reason on the container.

Without this permission, the user will not be allowed to edit any line item details, update qty, remove item, restore item, cancel the current edits, and so on.

Edit Quantity

RTV Shipment

With this permission, the user will be able to tap on the item quantity and the quantity widget will open to edit the quantity.

User must also have Modify Container and Edit Container permission as well as data permissions for each return reason on the container.

Without this permission, the quantity is not editable via the manual dialog and only scanning is allowed.

Edit RTV Shipment BOL

RTV Shipment

With this permission, the user will be allowed to edit the shipment BOL details.

Edit RTV Shipment Info

RTV Shipment

With this permission, the user will be allowed to edit the shipment header details.

Modify Container RTV Shipment

RTV Shipment

With this permission, the user will be allowed to commit any changes made to the shipment.

Submit RTV Shipment

RTV Shipment

With this permission, the user can submit RTV shipments.

View RTV Shipment BOL

RTV Shipment

With this permission, the user will be allowed to view the shipment BOL details.

Access Role Maintenance


User must have this permission in order for the Role Maintenance menu option to be available under Security in EICS.

Access Security


With this permission the user will have access to the Security dialog in EICS.

Access User Maintenance


User must have this permission in order for the User Assignment menu option to be available under Security in EICS.

Delete Role


User must have this permission in order to delete roles.

Delete User


User must have this permission in order to delete user profiles.

Edit User


User must have this permission in order to assign roles and stores to a user.

Access Scan List

Shelf Replenishment

With this permission, the user will have access to Item Scan List dialog.

Access Shelf Adjustment

Shelf Replenishment

With this permission, the user will have access to Shelf Adjustment dialog.

Access Shelf Replenishment

Shelf Replenishment

With this permission, the user will have access to the in-store replenishment dialog.

Confirm Shelf Adjustment

Shelf Replenishment

With this permission, the user can confirm the shelf adjustment.

Confirm Shelf Replenishment

Shelf Replenishment

With this permission, the user can confirm the replenishment pick.

Create Scan List

Shelf Replenishment

With this permission, the user can create a new item scan list.

User must also have data permissions for each scan list type to create a new scan list of that type.

Create Shelf Adjustment

Shelf Replenishment

With this permission, the user can create a new shelf adjustment.

Create Shelf Replenishment

Shelf Replenishment

With this permission, the user can create a new shelf replenishment pick.

User must have the data permission for each shelf replenishment pick type to do this operation.

Default Shelf Replenishment Quantity

Shelf Replenishment

With this permission, the user can default the quantity on replenishment pick.

The user must also have the Edit replenishment permission to do this operation.

Delete Scan List

Shelf Replenishment

With this permission, the user will be able to delete a scan list.

Delete Shelf Adjustment

Shelf Replenishment

With this permission, the user can delete the shelf adjustment.

Delete Shelf Replenishment

Shelf Replenishment

With this permission, the user can delete the shelf replenishment pick.

Edit Scan List

Shelf Replenishment

With this permission, the user will be able to edit and save the scan list.

Edit Scan List Quantity

Shelf Replenishment

With this permission, the user will be able to edit the quantity on the UI using the widget.

User must also have the Edit Scan List permission to do this.

Edit Shelf Adjustment

Shelf Replenishment

With this permission, the user can edit and save the shelf adjustment.

Edit Shelf Adjustment Quantity

Shelf Replenishment

With this permission, the user can edit the quantity using the widget on the UI.

Edit Shelf Replenishment

Shelf Replenishment

With this permission, the user will be able to edit the existing shelf replenishment pick.

Edit Shelf Replenishment Quantity

Shelf Replenishment

With this permission, the user can edit the quantity using the quantity widget on the UI.

Without this permission, the quantity is not editable via the manual dialog and only scanning is allowed.

Replenishment Item Substitution

Shelf Replenishment

With this permission, the user can substitute the pick items.

The user must also have the Edit replenishment permission to do this operation.

Access Stock Count

Stock Counts

With this permission, the user can access the Stock Counts dialog.

Complete Child Stock Count

Stock Counts

With this permission, the user can complete the child stock count.

Confirm Authorization Stock Count

Stock Counts

With this permission, the user can confirm the authorization.

Create Ad Hoc Stock Count

Stock Counts

With this permission, the user can create a new adhoc stock count.

Delete Stock Count

Stock Counts

With this permission, the user can delete a stock count.

Edit Adhoc Stock Count

Stock Counts

With this permission, the user can edit the ad hoc stock count.

Edit Authorizaton Stock Count

Stock Counts

With this permission, the user can access the Stock count authorization dialog in the jet.

Ability to apply late sales.

Edit Stock Count Quantity

Stock Counts

With this permission, the user can edit the quantity using the quantity widget.

Edit Unit Amount Stock Count

Stock Counts

With this permission, the user is allowed to do update for the stock counts that are of type unit and amount

Edit Unit Stock Count

Stock Counts

With this permission, the user can update the stock count of unit or problem line stock count types.

Snapshot Stock Count

Stock Counts

With this permission, the user is allowed to take a snapshot at the master stock count level.

Snapshot Stock Count Child

Stock Counts

With this permission, the user is allowed to take the snapshot at the child stock count level.

Update Authorization Quantity

Stock Counts

With this permission, the user can update the authorization quantity and also default the last count quantity to authorized quantity while in the process of authorization.

Access Quick Receiving

Transfer Receiving

With this permission, a user will have access to Transfer Quick Receiving.

Access Transfer Receiving

Transfer Receiving

With this permission, a user will have access to Transfer Receiving.

Add Unexpected Item to Transfer Receiving

Transfer Receiving

With this permission, the user will be allowed to receive items that are not present in the original delivery.

User must also have Modify Container and Edit Container permission.

Without this permission, the user will not be allowed to receive items that are not present in the original delivery.

Adjust Container

Transfer Receiving

With this permission, the user will be able to bring back a confirmed container to editable status.

Confirm Container

Transfer Receiving

With this permission, the user will be able to confirm a container.

Confirm Receipt

Transfer Receiving

With this permission, the user will be able to confirm a transfer delivery.

Create Container

Transfer Receiving

With this permission, the user will be able to create a container.

Default Qty in All Containers

Transfer Receiving

With this permission, the user will be able to default the expected qty in received qty field in all the containers.

Default Quantity in Container

Transfer Receiving

With this permission, the user will be able to default the expected qty in received qty field for the items in the container.

User must also have Modify Container and Edit Container permission.

Delete Container

Transfer Receiving

With this permission, the user will be able to delete a container.

Display Expected Qty

Transfer Receiving

With this permission, the user will be able to view Expected Qty of an item in the containers.

Edit Container

Transfer Receiving

With this permission, the user will be allowed to edit the line item details, update qty, remove item, restore item, cancel the current edits, and so on.

User must also have Modify Container permission in order for the changes to be committed to the DB.

Without this permission, the user will not be allowed to edit any line item details, update qty, remove item, restore item, cancel the current edits, and so on.

Edit Container Info

Transfer Receiving

With this permission, the user will be allowed to edit the container header details.

User must also have Modify Container permission in order for the changes to be committed to the DB.

Edit Quantity

Transfer Receiving

With this permission, the user will be able to tap on the item quantity and the quantity widget will open to edit the quantity.

User must also have Modify Container and Edit Container permission.

Without this permission, the quantity is not editable via the manual dialog and only scanning is allowed.

Edit Receiving Info

Transfer Receiving

With this permission, the user will be able to edit the header details of a transfer delivery

Misdirected Container

Transfer Receiving

With this permission, the user will be allowed to copy the items from a misdirected container.

Modify Container

Transfer Receiving

With this permission, the user will be allowed to commit any changes made to the container. The user will be able to edit the details with the Edit permission however for the changes to be saved to the DB, the Modify permission is needed.

Receive On Shop Floor

Transfer Receiving

With this permission, the user will be able to receive the container on the shopfloor.

User must also have Modify Container and Edit Container Info permission.

Without this permission, user will not be able to receive the container on the shopfloor.

Record Receipt Damages

Transfer Receiving

With this permission, the user will be able to receive damaged items in a transfer delivery.

Access Shipment

Transfer Shipment

With this permission, a user will have access to the Transfer Shipment dialog for the user in the application.

Add Items with No Document

Transfer Shipment

With this permission, the user will be allowed to create an adhoc document through Shipments and add items to it. This controls the visibility of ’No document' button on the Select Document screen.

Without this permission, the user will not be allowed to create an adhoc document through shipments and add items to it.

Add Unexpected Item to Transfer Shipment

Transfer Shipment

With this permission, the user will be allowed to add items, that are not present in the Transfer Document, into the shipment.

User must also have Modify Container and Edit Container permissions.

Without this permission, the user will not be allowed to add items, that are not present in the Transfer document, into the shipment.

Adjust Carrier

Transfer Shipment

With this permission, the user will be able to update the BOL details of a shipment even after at least one container has been confirmed.

Without this permission, the user will not be able to update the BOL details of a shipment after at least one container has been confirmed.

Adjust Container

Transfer Shipment

With this permission, the user will be allowed to bring the container back to editable status.

Cancel Submit Shipment

Transfer Shipment

With this permission, the user can cancel submit Transfer shipments.

Confirm Container

Transfer Shipment

With this permission, the user can confirm containers in the shipments.

Create Shipment

Transfer Shipment

With this permission, the user can create shipments for Transfer documents.

Without this permission, the user will not be able to create shipments for Transfer documents.

Delete Container

Transfer Shipment

With this permission, the user can delete containers in the shipments.

Delete Shipment

Transfer Shipment

With this permission, the user can delete transfer shipments.

Dispatch Shipment

Transfer Shipment

With this permission, the user can dispatch shipments.

Edit Container

Transfer Shipment

With this permission, the user will be allowed to edit the line item details, update qty, remove item, restore item, cancel the current edits, and so on.,

User must also have Modify Container permission.

Without this permission, the user will not be allowed to edit any line item details, update qty, remove item, restore item, cancel the current edits, and so on.

Edit Container Info

Transfer Shipment

With this permission, the user will be allowed to edit the container header details.

User must also have Modify Container permission.

Edit Quantity

Transfer Shipment

With this permission, the user will be able to tap on the item quantity and the quantity widget will open to edit the quantity.

User must also have Modify Container and Edit Container permission.

Without this permission, the quantity is not editable via the manual dialog and only scanning is allowed.

Edit Shipment BOL

Transfer Shipment

With this permission, the user will be allowed to edit the shipment BOL details.

Modify Container

Transfer Shipment

With this permission, the user will be allowed to commit any changes made to the shipment. The user will be able to edit the details with the Edit Container permission however for the changes to be saved to the DB, the Modify permission is needed.

Without this permission, the user will not be allowed to commit any changes made to the shipment.

Select Container Document

Transfer Shipment

With this permission, the user will be allowed to select transfer documents to be added to the shipment.

User must also have Modify Container and Edit Container permission.

Submit Shipment

Transfer Shipment

With this permission, the user can submit shipments.

Accept Transfer Request


With this permission, the user will be able to accept a transfer request.

Access context Type


With this permission, a user will be able to view the Context type details in a transfer.

Access Transfer


With this permission, a user will have access the transfers.

Access Transfer Request


With this permission, a user will have access to the Transfer dialog in the application

Approve Transfer


With this permission, the user will be able to approve a transfer document.

Close Transfer


With this permission, the user will be able to close a transfer.

Create Request


With this permission, the user will be able to create a transfer request.

Create Transfer


With this permission, the user will be able to create a transfer document.

Delete Request


With this permission, the user will be able to delete a transfer request.

Delete Transfer


With this permission, the user will be able to delete a transfer document.

Edit Quantity


With this permission, the user will be able to tap on the item quantity and the quantity widget will open to edit the quantity.

Without this permission, the quantity is not editable via the manual dialog and only scanning is allowed.

Edit Transfer


With this permission, the user will be able to edit a transfer document.

Edit Transfer Request


With this permission, the user will be able to edit a transfer request.

Reject Transfer Request


With this permission, the user will be able to reject a transfer request.

Request Transfer


With this permission, the user will be able to submit a transfer request.

Create UIN on the Fly


With this permission, the user is allowed to create a UIN on the fly when creating an inventory adjustment using a reason code of Disposition Movement from Out (Dist) to Available to Sell (ATS) = UIN Status in Stock.

User must also have Edit Inventory Adjustment permission as well as data permissions for each adjustment reason on the adjustment.

Update UIN Status


With this permission, the user can update the status of the UIN using the UIN History dialog.

View UIN History


With this permission, the user can view the UIN History in the system

Update Resolution Status


With this permission, the user can update the resolution status of the troubled transaction.

Data Permissions

Data permissions need to be created for the following:

  • Container Items Limited To

  • Counting Type

  • Display List Diff Types

  • Inventory Adjustment Reason Code

  • Transaction Type

  • Product Group Type

  • Role Type

  • RTV Reason Code

  • RTV Shipment Reason Code

  • Transfer Shipment Reason Code

  • Location Type

  • Print Format Type

  • Scan List Type

  • Shelf Adjustment Type

  • Shelf Replenishment Type