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Oracle® Retail Enterprise Inventory Cloud Service Administration Guide
Release 18.0
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F Appendix: Unit and Amount Stock Counts Export

Unit and Amount Stock count authorization generates export file which can be uploaded to external inventory system. The stock count authorization process can be started by user through stock count authorization screen or be invoked by third party stock count batch for an auto-authorized unit amount stock count. The export files can be uploaded to merchandising System (for example, RMS) to update merchandising inventory with the actual physical stock count.

Export File Layout

See the Stock Count Results Export File Specification for file layout details. The generated file will be zipped into an archive with same file naming standard followed for the file generation. A complete file is added once the generated file is been zipped.

Export File Location

Export file directory is created by application installer. Integration admin will need to move the export data files from the application server export directory to a shared upload network location.

Export File Name

STK_<store id>_<schedule id>_<date in YYYYMMDDHH24MISS format>.dat

STK_<store id>_<schedule id>_<date in YYYYMMDDHH24MISS format>.zip

STK_<store id>_<schedule id>_<date in YYYYMMDDHH24MISS format>.zip.complete