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Oracle® Retail Enterprise Inventory Cloud Service Administration Guide
Release 18.1
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10 Store Admin Parameters

Table 10-1 Store Admin Parameters

Options Description Default Value Topic Type

Manifest Weight UOM

Values: List of UOMs from the Weight UOM table

The UOM selected for this store admin will be used as the Weight UOM for the weight on the BOL in store to store transfers shipments, customer order deliveries and returns.




SSCC Shipping Label ID Generation

Values: Automatic/Manual

Automatic: When Automatic is selected the system will generate an identifier for printing on the shipping label.

Manual: When Manual is selected the user will need to enter an identifier for printing on the shipping label. This store parameter will be used for RTV Shipping and Transfer Shipping.




Auto Pick Mixed Containers

Values: Yes/No

Yes: If a container has items in it that are for both customer orders and non-customer orders, the system will auto pick the container. It will mark those items that exist on the customer order as picked.

No: If there is a mixed container of customer order and non-customer order items, it will not get auto picked and the picked quantities will not be updated.




Auto Pick On Receive - Direct Delivery

Values: Yes/No

Yes: If a container has items in it that are for both customer orders and non-customer orders, the system will auto pick the container. It will mark those items that exist on the customer order as picked.

No: If there is a mixed container of customer order and non-customer order items, it will not get auto picked and the picked quantities will not be updated.




Auto Pick On Receive - Transfer Delivery

Values: Yes/No

Yes: The system will automatically fill in the pick quantities on the customer order when receiving. This can only happen if the customer order record has already come into the system. If there is no customer order, the auto picking will not happen at the time of receiving, rather it will occur when the customer order comes in.

No: The system will not pick when receiving goods in transfer receiving.




Default Customer Order Picking Method

Values: Bin / Store Customer Order

This parameter is used to define the default picking method when creating a customer order pick, bin or store customer order.

Note this is just a default and the user can still switch the picking method.

Store Customer Order



Default Number of Bins

Values: 1-999

This parameter will determine the number of bins to default into the 'Bin Qty' field if the user selects 'Bin' as the pick type when creating the pick.




Dispatch Validate

Valid Values: Ship Direct, Ship Submit

Ship Direct: System will control all processes. The user will be able to go from create/edit directly to dispatch. There will not be a submit option.

Ship Submit: This option will require the user to press the Submit option, and require a specific press of the dispatch button.

Ship Direct



Generate Bins

Values: System / Manual

System: The system will automatically generate the bin IDs when the pick is created.

Manual: The system will require the user to enter the bin IDs upon taking action on the created pick. This option removes the need for printing out labels since the labels already exist on the bin. For both System and Manual, the user will still have the option to print labels for the bins.




Item Substitution - Store Discretion

Values: Yes/No

This store parameter is used to determine if the user can use their own discretion when doing substitute items in the picking process.

Yes: The user can choose any item to be used as a substitute item.

No: Only those items that are defined as substitutes can be substituted.




Override Bin Quantity

Values: Yes/No

This store parameter determines whether the user is allowed to override the default bin quantity when creating a pick by bin. The Bin Quantity is defaulted based upon the store parameter for Default Number of Bins.




Picking Required for Customer Orders

Values: Yes/No

Yes: Requires that manual picking be performed on the customer order prior to being able to create a delivery for it.

No: Picking is not necessary in order to create a delivery.




Pre-shipment Notification

Values: Yes / No

This parameter will drive the following functionality:

Yes: The system will publish a pre-shipment message

No: The system will not publish a pre-shipment message




Reserve Customer Order Inventory Upon Receiving

Values: Yes/No

This store parameter will dictate when inventory for a web order customer order should be reserved.

Yes: Inventory will be reserved upon receiving a delivery in the store which contains the customer order (Store to store transfer, DSD, Warehouse to Store transfer). If the retailer wishes to fulfill the customer orders from deliveries, for example getting the goods from the warehouse, then this option would be set to Yes to reserve upon receiving.

No: Inventory will be reserved upon getting the customer order into the store. If the retailer chooses to mainly fulfill customer orders from within the stock in the store, this parameter would be set to No, thus reserving inventory right away when the customer order is received.




Allow Multiple Deliveries against PO with No ASN

Values: Yes/No

Yes: The user is able to create more than one delivery for the same PO when the PO does not have an associated ASN.

No: The user can only create a single delivery against a PO when the PO does not have an associated ASN. The PO will be closed when the delivery is confirmed.




Auto close days after expected date

Values: 0-999

Number of days after the expected delivery date the ASN will be closed.




DSD Receiving Auto Remove Damaged Quantity

Values: Yes/No

Yes: All damaged items on the delivery are removed automatically when confirming the transaction.

No: All damaged items remain on the delivery when confirming the transaction.




Direct Delivery Auto Remove Over Received Quantity

Values: Yes/No

Yes: The user is able to create more than one delivery for the same PO when the PO does not have an associated ASN.

No: The over received quantities will stay in the delivery transaction.




Direct Delivery Default to Shopfloor Receiving

Values: Yes/No

This parameter determines whether the DSD receiving dialog will default to receive inventory into the shop floor instead of automatically receiving into the back room.

Yes: The DSD Receiving Container workflow will default the option to receive inventory into the shop floor. The shop floor inventory bucket will be incremented instead of the backroom bucket. If a capacity is defined for the item, the maximum shop floor quantity will equal the capacity; otherwise, the shop floor will be updated to the entire receipt amount.

No: The option will be defaulted to back room and all inventory will be automatically received into the back room or delivery bay.




Direct Delivery Invoice Entry

Values: Enabled/Disabled/Unique

Enabled: This option allows the user to enter any value for the invoice number, including duplicates.

Disabled: The Invoice Number and date fields are disabled. Unique: The Invoice Number field will allow entry, however, the user will not be able to enter a duplicate invoice number based upon the supplier.

Upon entering an Invoice Number, the system will validate if the invoice already exists for the supplier defined on the DSD. If a duplicate exists, there will be an error. If no duplicate exists, the invoice number will be accepted.




Direct Delivery Receive Item Capacity


This parameter determines whether the capacity will be considered while receiving the deliveries.

Yes: While receiving, the capacity will be considered. For example: If capacity is 50, delivery is for 100, and Available SOH is 10 on the shop floor, if this parameter is on and receive in shop floor is checked, 40 (un-damaged) will be moved to shop floor and the rest to the backroom.

No: While receiving, the capacity will not be considered. Damaged inventory will not move to the shop floor.




Days Before Item Basket Expiration

Values: 0-999

This parameter will be used to add to the system date when defaulting the expiration date on an item basket. A value of 0 would set the expiration date to today. A value of 1 will set the expiration date to tomorrow (today + 1).




Auto Accept External Generated RTV Request

Values: Yes/No

This parameter determines whether system automatically approves the return request and defaults the requested quantity to the accepted quantity for externally generated RTV requests.




Not After Date Default days

Values: 0-999

This parameter would decide the number of days after which a RTV document can be closed After not after date is passed. All status documents would be marked cancelled once this criteria is met.




Dispatch Validate

Values: Ship Direct, Ship Submit

Ship Direct: The system will control all processes. The user will be able to go from create/edit directly to dispatch.

Ship Submit: This option will require the user to press the Submit button, and require a specific press of the dispatch button. An additional option is that an external system will generate a dispatch message through a standard web service.

Ship Direct



Pre-shipment Notification

Values: Yes/No

Yes: The system will publish a pre-shipment message.

No: The system will not publish a pre-shipment message.




RTV Shipment Carrier Default

Values: Sender / Receiver / Third Party

When creating a return the Carrier Type on the BOL will default initially based upon this parameter. The user can still change this value and if so, that will be the value used on the return.

Sender: Sender will be selected for Carrier Type on BOL

Receiver: Receiver will be selected for the Carrier type on BOL.

Third Party: Third Party will be selected for the Carrier type on the BOL. The type (drop down) will be defaulted to "Other".

Third Party



Display Sequence Fields

Values: Yes/No

This parameter is to determine whether the sequencing fields are displayed.




Replenishment - At Case Level

Yes: The standard UOM will default to Cases on the shelf replenishment screens.

No: The standard UOM will default to Units on the shelf replenishment screens.

Note: This parameter will determine whether to replenish shelves at the Case or standard unit of measure. This will override the 'Default UOM' system parameter.




Replenishment - Delivery Bay Inventory

Values: Yes/No

Yes: The delivery bay will be used for replenishment.

No: The delivery bay will not be used.




Replenishment - End of Day max. fill %

This parameter will determine the percentage the stock can fall to before creating the end of day replenishment list.




Replenishment - Item Substitution Store Discretion

Values: Yes/No

Yes: The user is allowed to choose any item to substitute. An item lookup feature will allow the user to search for an item to select.

No: The user is restricted to scanning/entering an item that exists on the list of approved substitute items defined by the merchandising system.

Note: If there are no items defined for item substitution, the dialogue will be displayed with the original item in the header with no substitutes.




Replenishment - Within Day Max. fill %

This parameter will determine the percentage the stock can fall to before creating the within day replenishment list.




Display Late Inventory Adjustment Message

Yes: When the user is confirming a Stock Count in the Authorization phase and there are items on the stock count with In Progress Inventory Adjustments, the user may return to the stock count to complete the inventory adjustments or to continue and ignore the adjustments.

When the user is approving an inventory adjustment with items on an open stock count, a message is displayed allowing the user to determine if further processing should be undertaken. Similar logic to how late sales are processed will be used for these adjustments.

No: When the user is confirming a Stock Count in the Authorization phase and there are items on the stock count with In Progress Inventory Adjustments the system ignores the inventory adjustments and allows the user to complete the count.

When the user is approving an inventory adjustment, there is no additional processing.

Note: The system will process the inventory adjustment similar to how late sales are processed and determine if the stock count should be adjusted or not. The update to the stock count is not immediate but rather is at the time of authorization if there are reversing entries created.




Stock Count Default Timeframe

Valid Values: Before Store Open/After Store Close

This parameter defines when the stock count is performed in relation to the store opening hours for Daily Sales Processing. This value may be overridden at the time of the stock count, if the system is configured to allow the override. If an override is allowed, this setting will determine the default value displayed.

Before Store Open: The stock count is performed before the opening of the store. All sales on the day of the stock count will only update SOH. It will not update any counted quantities.

After Store Close: The stock count is performed after the closing of the store. All sales on the day of the stock count will update both SOH and any counted quantities. If using RMS, After Store Close must be selected.

Note: Timestamp processing does not use this parameter.

Before Store Open



Auto Accept External Generated Request

Values: Yes/No

This parameter automatically approves the requested transfer and defaults the requested quantity to the accepted quantity for externally generated requests.




Auto Accept Store Transfer Request

Values: Yes/No

This parameter automatically approves the requested transfer and defaults the requested quantity to the accepted quantity for store to store requests.




Not After Date Default Days

Values: 0-999

This parameter adds a value to the current date and uses the value to default the 'Not After Date' when creating a transfer or requesting a transfer. Documents will be closed via batch when this date is reached.




Auto Close Receipt

Values: 1-99

0: close the receipt immediately

1: close the receipt the end of day today

2: close the receipt end of day tomorrow

X: close end of day x days starting from today The batch program will auto close any transfer receipts, and marks all non-received containers to missing. Partially received containers will be marked as damaged.




External Finisher Auto Receive

Values: Not Allowed, External Message, Date Driven

Not allowed will make the system work as today.

External message will receive the full external finisher delivery with a Source Type of 'Finisher', the moment an ASN transaction arrives that indicates that the delivery needs to be auto received.

Date Driven will look at a secondary store option (External Finisher Auto Receive number of Days) to determine how many days the transaction stays open before it is fully received. If it is set to 0, it will auto-receive on the ETA date.

Not Allowed



External Finisher Auto Receive Number of Days

Values: 0-999

A batch program will auto receive any external finisher deliveries with a Source Type of 'Finisher', that have not been closed x-days after the ETA date or the create date depending if the ETA date is set or not and if the auto receive external delivery parameter is set 0 means immediate receiving 1 means today (EOD) 2 means EOD tomorrow x means EOD x days starting from today




Store Auto Receive

Values: Not allowed / External message / Date Driven

Not allowed: Auto receiving is not allowed for the store.

External message: Receives the full store delivery the moment an ASN transaction arrives when the indicator on the ASN identifies this as an auto receive delivery and the Source Type is 'Store'. This parameter works with the Store Auto Receive screen.

Date Driven: Receives the delivery automatically when the date is reached. A second options, 'Store Auto Receive Number of Days' is used to determine how many days the transaction stays open before it is fully received. If it is set to 0, it will receive immediately when the transfer is shipped. This parameter works with the Store Auto Receive screen.

Not Allowed



Store Auto Receive Number of Days

Values: 0-99

0: immediate receiving

1: end of day today

2: end of day tomorrow

X: end of day x days starting from today

The batch program will auto receive any transfers with a Source Type of 'Store' not previously closed x-days after they have been shipped. This parameter is only used when the Store Auto Receive parameter is enabled.




Store Transfer Default to ShopFloor Receive

Values: Yes/No

This parameter will determine whether the receiving will default to receive inventory into the shop floor instead of automatically receiving into the back room when the Source Type is 'Store'.

Yes: The Transfer workflow will default to receive inventory into the shop floor when the Source Type is 'Store'. The shop floor inventory bucket will be incremented instead of the backroom bucket. If a capacity is defined for the item, the maximum shop floor quantity will equal the capacity; otherwise the shop floor will be updated to the entire receipt amount.

No: This will default to back room and all inventory will be automatically received into the back room or delivery bay when Source Type is 'Store'. Note: With the proper permissions, the user will still have the option to receive onto the shop floor while receiving the delivery by changing the default to Shop Floor. Damaged inventory will not move to shop floor.




Store Transfer Receive Item Capacity

Values: Yes/No

This parameter will determine whether the capacity will be considered while receiving the deliveries.

Yes: If the value is set to YES, then while receiving and Source Type of 'Store', the capacity will be considered. For example: If capacity is 50, receipt is for 100 and Available SOH is 10 on shopfloor, then if this parameter is on and receive in shop floor is checked then 40 (un-damaged) will be moved to shop floor and rest to back room.

No: If the value is set to NO, then while receiving the capacity will not be considered. Damaged inventory will not move to shop floor.




Warehouse Auto Receive

Values: Not Allowed, External Message, Date Driven

This parameter will drive the following functionality.

Not Allowed will make the system work as today.

External message will receive the full warehouse delivery the moment an ASN transaction arrives that indicates that the delivery needs to be auto received and the Source Type is 'Warehouse'.

Date Driven will look at a secondary store option (Warehouse Auto Receive number of Days) to determine how many days the transaction stays open before it is fully received. If it is set to 0, it will auto-receive on the ETA date.

Not Allowed



Warehouse Auto Receive Number of Days

Values: 0-99

0: immediate receiving

1: end of day today

2: end of day tomorrow

X: end of day x days starting from today

The batch program will auto receive any transfers with a Source Type of 'Warehouse' not previously closed x-days after they have been shipped. This parameter is only used when the Warehouse Auto Receive parameter is enabled.




Warehouse Default to Shopfloor Receive

Values: Yes/No

This parameter will determine whether the new receiving will default to receive inventory into the shop floor instead of automatically receiving into the back room when Source Type is 'Warehouse'.

Yes: The Transfer Receiving workflow will default the check box to receive inventory into the shop floor when Source Type is 'Warehouse'. The shop floor inventory bucket will be incremented instead of the backroom bucket. If a capacity is defined for the item, the maximum shop floor quantity will equal the capacity; otherwise the shop floor will be updated to the entire receipt amount.

No: The new check box will be defaulted to back room and all inventory will be automatically received into the back room or delivery bay when Source type is 'Warehouse'. Note: With the proper permissions, the user will still have the option to receive onto the shop floor while receiving the delivery by changing the default to Shop Floor. Damaged inventory will not move to shop floor.




Warehouse Receive Item Capacity

Values: Yes/No

This parameter will determine whether the capacity will be considered while receiving the deliveries.

Yes: If the value is set to YES, then while receiving and Source Type of 'Warehouse', the capacity will be considered. For example: If capacity is 50, receipt is for 100 and Available SOH is 10 on shopfloor, then if this parameter is on and receive in shop floor is checked then 40 (un-damaged) will be moved to shop floor and rest to back room.

No: If the value is set to NO, then while receiving the capacity will not be considered. Damaged inventory will not move to shop floor




Pre-shipment Notification

Values: Yes/No

This parameter will drive the following functionality:

Yes: The system will publish a pre-shipment message.

No: The system will not publish a pre-shipment message.




Ship to Finisher Carrier Default

Values: Sender / Receiver / Third Party

Sender: Sender will be selected for Carrier Type on BOL

Receiver: Receiver will be selected for the Carrier type on BOL.

Third Party: Third Party will be selected for the Carrier type on the BOL. The type (drop down) will be defaulted to "Other".

When creating a store to Finisher transfer the Carrier Type on the BOL will default initially based upon this parameter. The user can still change this value and if so, that will be the value used on the transfer.

Third Party



Ship to Store Carrier Default

Values: Sender / Receiver / Third Party

Sender: Sender will be selected for Carrier Type on BOL

Receiver: Receiver will be selected for the Carrier type on BOL.

Third Party: Third Party will be selected for the Carrier type on the BOL. The type (drop down) will be defaulted to "Other".

When creating a store to store transfer the Carrier Type on the BOL will default initially based upon this parameter. The user can still change this value and if so, that will be the value used on the transfer.

Third Party



Ship to Warehouse Carrier Default

Values: Sender / Receiver / Third Party

Sender: Sender will be selected for Carrier Type on BOL

Receiver: Receiver will be selected for the Carrier type on BOL.

Third Party: Third Party will be selected for the Carrier type on the BOL. The type (drop down) will be defaulted to "Other".

When creating a store to WH transfer the Carrier Type on the BOL will default initially based upon this parameter. The user can still change this value and if so, that will be the value used on the transfer.

Third Party



Transfer Shipment Dispatch Validate

Values: Ship Direct, Ship Submit

Ship Direct: The system will control all processes. The user will be able to go from create/edit directly to dispatch.

Ship Submit: This option will require the user to press the Submit button, and require a specific press of the dispatch button. An additional option is that an external system will generate a dispatch message through a standard web service.

Ship Direct



Manifest Customer Order Deliveries

Values: Yes/No

Yes: The Manifesting system will be called.

No: The Manifesting system will not be called.




Manifest RTV to Supplier

Values: Yes/No

Yes: The Manifesting system will be called for return to supplier.

No: The Manifesting system will not be called.

Note: The interface will still need to be implemented; this just is to determine if it will be called.




Manifest Transfer to Finisher

Values: Yes/No

Yes: The Manifesting system will be called for transfer to Finisher.

No: The Manifesting system will not be called.

Note: The interface will still need to be implemented; this just is to determine if it will be called.




Manifest Transfer to Store

Values: Yes/No

Yes: The Manifesting system will be called for transfer to store.

No: The Manifesting system will not be called.

Note: The interface will still need to be implemented; this just is to determine if it will be called.




Manifest Transfer to Warehouse

Values: Yes/No

Yes: The Manifesting system will be called for transfer to warehouse

No: The Manifesting system will not be called.

Note: The interface will still need to be implemented; this just is to determine if it will be called.




OMS Customer Order Delivery Validation

Values: Yes/No

Yes: When confirming the delivery, the system will make a call out to an external system (such as an OMS) to validate the delivery status and delivery quantities before completing the dispatch.

No: external system will not be called.




Send Event Alert External

Values: Yes / No

Yes: Notification event alerts (non ad hoc notifications) will be sent externally via web service.

No: Notification event alerts (non ad hoc notifications) will not be sent externally. Web service is not called.


