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Oracle® Retail Enterprise Inventory Cloud Service Administration Guide
Release 19.7
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N Appendix: Third-Party RFID Integration


EICS allows import of RFID information via a BDI process flow (ExtRfid_Tx) from a third-party system. The External RFID import is an operational batch which can run as often as needed. This batch is used for importing bulk amount of RFID information. For small handful of RFID tags, RFID Inventory WebService can be used.

The RFID importer first sets all the present attribute to 'N' for all existing RFID tags at the location thereby removing them from inventory. It then inserts or replaces the RFID data from inbound interface table into RFID table in SIOCS, setting the present attribute to Y (yes) for each RFID tag in the import.

In this fashion, it operates much like a stock count and will generate inventory adjustments for external system to have their SOH updated for any discrepancies found.

BDI Implementation Considerations

To load third-party data into EICS via BDI, external system need to provide data sourcing implementations.

There are two approaches for data sourcing implementations, Integration Implementer may choose the data provider implementations based on their need.

Option A: Third-Party RFID Integration Via BDI External Process Flow Implementation

Figure N-1 BDI Process Flow Process

BDI Process Flow Process

The BDI process:

  • An Extractor extracts data from a data producing system into an outgoing intermediate integration interface table.

  • A Downloader and transporter services data to receiver service.

  • An Uploader uploads the data to an incoming intermediate integration interface tables.

  • An Importer imports the data from the interface stage tables into SIOCS application tables.

For more information about data seeding, see Data Seeding.

With this approach, the BDI Ext Process Flow will move the data from sourcing system to destination system's application table. BDI process flow provides BDI job scheduling, end to end data transportation from sourcing system's database table into destination application's tables.

Customer need to implement the BDI Ext-EdgeApp to move data into the BDI outbound interface table.

BDI Process Flow: ExtRfid_Tx_ProcessFlow_From_EXTERNAL

See Oracle Retail Enterprise Integration Overview Guide: BDI Third-Party Integrations.

Option B: Third-Party RFID Integration Via BDI CLI File Transmitter

BDI CLI File Transmitter is a client command line tool, is applicable for smaller data file size which does not require concurrent processing.

BDI CLI file transmitter only transport data files from sourcing systems to destination system's interface tables. It does not provide end to end data transportation. If you choose BDI CLI File transmitter for load third-party data into SIOCS application table, it would require three steps:

Figure N-2 BDI CLI File Transmitter

BDI CLI File transmitter
  • Download BDI CLI File Transmitter and install on customer's system.

  • Run BDI CLI Transmitter batch to load data file from sourcing system into destination system's interface table.

  • Once the data are loaded into receiver app's inbound interface tables, EICS's importer job will move the data from inbound interface table into EICS app tables.


By default, batch scheduler Third-Party RFID Import in EICS is disabled; this job should only be enabled if you choose to use BDI CLI File transmitter for data sourcing provider.

See Integration.

This section provides BDI CLI File Transmitter as an implementation to describe how to import third-party RFID into SIOCS via BDI CLI File Transmitter.

Third-Party RFID Import via BDI CLI File Transmitter

Each file contains RFID information for a single store, store/item/action date uniquely identify a RFID record.

1. BDI CLI File Transmitter Process

The BDI CLI Transmitter process load data files to an intermediate BDI inbound tables in SIOCS BDI Schema.

Once the records are created on the SIOCS BDI table, BDI process also create a control record for the module and interface for importer to process. The module interface along with the data set id will be used by importer to identify the records to be imported into the EICS in importer process.

See Appendix: BDI Transmitter CLI Procedure - Load External Data File for details on how to run BDI CLI File Transmitter.

2. EICS Importer Process

Once the file data is loaded into the SIOCS BDI inbound interface table, the importer process will process the BDI interface tables into SIOCS application tables. You can setup SIOCS Batch job schedule to import data from inbound interface tables into SIOCS application tables. For importer details, see Third-Party RFID Import in batch chapter for details.

3. Job Scheduling

You can schedule EICS job scheduler to start the third-party RFID TX importer job automatically, or you can run importer as adhoc job.

By default, SIOCS batch scheduling for third-party RFID TX import job is disabled, as for customers who choose BDI External Process Flow for third-party RFID end to end integration, the BDI Job scheduler should be used.

4. Error Handling and Logging

When the job execution failed, only the failed record reference ids are stored in the BATCH_DATA_DETAIL table, the data which are successfully processed are removed from the BDI inbound table. Sys ops user can view the batch detail errors via EICS Job admin console. The number of maximum errors (for example 10 errors) per partition are logged for each batch/partition run.


Field Name Description Required Type
BDI_SEQ_ID Bulk Data Integration data sequence. Yes NUMBER(19)
BDI_APP_NAME Bulk Data Integration Application Name. Yes VARCHAR2(50)
BDI_DATASET_TYPE Bulk Data Integration Data Set Type, valid values are FULL, or PARTIAL. No VARCHAR2(20)
BDI_DATASET_ACTION EICS only support REPLACE and DELETE as dataset action for third-party RFID, UPDATE type is not supported, use replace for updating a record. No VARCHAR2(20)
EPC Electronic product code (SGTIN-96). Yes VARCHAR(256)
ITEM_ID Identifier of the item/sku. Yes VARCHAR2(25)
LOCATION_ID Location identifier. Yes NUMBER(10)
LOCATION_TYPE Location Type, 1 - store, 2 - warehouse. Yes NUMBER(2)
ZONE_ID The zone within the location that the RFID is located. No NUMBER(15)
EVENT_DATE The timestamp of the RFID read. No TIMESTAMP(6)

External RFID CSV File Fields

The CSV data fields matches the non-BDI heading columns in EXT_RFID_IN (four BDI heading columns are: BDI_SEQ_ID, BDI_APP_NAME, BDI_DATASET_TYPE, BDI_DATASET_ACTION).

For example, the first fields in the file would match the fourth column in EXT_RFID_IN table, the second field in the file matches the fifth column in the table.

Sample CSV File:


"REPLACE","1111111111111111111111","100637113",5000,1,1001,"03-07-2021 0:00""REPLACE","1111111111111111111112","100637148",5000,2,1022,"05-10-2021 0:00"

File Contents Explanation

  • Create CSV file: ext_rfid _<YYYYMMDDHHMMSS>.csv

  • It is expected that the RFID provider to ensure the record uniqueness (A unique record is identified by store/item/effective date time), within a file, each record must be unique. The record action is denoted by action type, only one dataset action is allowed. EICS only support REPLACE OR DELETE as dataset action for third-party rfid, UPDATE type is not supported, use replace for updating a record.

  • Split the Data into Multiple Files

    EICS loads the data in parallel from multiple files. Loading files from multiple files in parallel provides performance advantage than loading from a single file. It is recommended to file provider to split the data into multiple files to load data efficiently in parallel loading, each file contains single store is recommended.

  • Compress the data files

    If data file contains large datasets, it is recommended that compress the load files individually, when load the data file. Use EICS System Configuration Console to specify the file suffix (for example, gzip, or zip).