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Oracle® Retail Store Operations Cloud Service User Guide
Release 21.0
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8 RTV and RTV Shipment

The return's process in the mobile application supports the retailer with the reverse logistics flow. A reverse logistic flow means that inventory is shipped out of the store to a supplier or warehouse for redistribution or disposal. This particular workflow only supports shipping inventory back to the supplier.

Some examples around reverse logistics:

This chapter is split into four sections:

RTV Request and Shipment

Return to Vendor (RTV) can be a request or a shipment.

RTV Request

A Return Request is a return to vendor that comes into the Store Inventory system from an external system. A Return Request is a request for items to be returned. You access the return request from the external system on the mobile application. The items, quantities requested to be returned and reasons (for RTV) will be listed. Enter in the return quantity approved for the items. You can also reject the request if needed. The system can be configured to allow you to add items to the return request. The system allows for items to be removed on a return request that were not initially added during the session. After the session has been saved, the quantity for the item is set to zero, similar to original requested items. Once the request has been accepted, the items are shipped to the supplier.

RTV Shipment

If the store plans to return items to the vendor, it can be done by creating an RTV shipment to the vendor. The items, quantities to be returned and reasons (for RTV) will be added to the shipment and it can be dispatched.

To create an RTV shipment, a supplier must be identified for the return; this can be done by entering in the Supplier ID or using the widget to look up a supplier.

The Supplier must allow for returns. This is an indicator that is defined at the supplier level. The next validation will be to check the system setting DSD Delivery Supplier for RTV. This configuration (if set to Yes) requires that the supplier must also be a DSD Supplier (indicator on the supplier) in order to create the RTV. Lastly, if the system is configured to use Multiple Sets of Books, then the supplier is limited to the same operating unit as that of the store.

Items along with reasons can be added to the return. For Return to Vendors, the system allows a mix of available and unavailable inventory status items on the return; therefore, all reasons for the Return to Vendor type will be listed. All items on the return must be sourced by the supplier designated on the RTV. Authorization Number, which is required for certain suppliers, would need to be entered before dispatching.


  • RTV Request and RTV shipment support shipping to the supplier.

  • User can initiate a return from the mobile application by creating a shipment to the supplier.

  • A single RTV shipment supports multiple containers.

  • An RTV shipment can be tracked at the Container and Shipment levels.

  • Container hierarchy limitations.

  • BOL includes container details.

  • Support for multiple users working on different containers within the same shipment.

  • Each item has one or more reason codes explaining the reason it is shipped back.

  • BOL captures shipment purpose, tracking ID, shipment method, destination information, and container information.

  • Approval or rejection of externally-generated RTV requests.

  • Authorization Return ID.

  • Not after date facilitates you to ship the shipment before the shipment is expired.

  • Supplier-level RTV restrictions when creating an RTV.

  • Printing reports and labels.

  • Capturing values for CFAs (Custom flexible Attributes) for RTV Requests, Shipments and Containers.

Figure 8-1 Supported Return Flows

Supported Return Flows

Business Cases

Two business case examples are shown below:

Damage Item Process

Two customers return DVD players that are not working. The POS transaction identifies them as damaged. This automatically associates the items to an unavailable bucket in the Store Inventory system.

The retailer creates a return to vendor for two DVD players which were damaged. They will be sent back to the vendor with a reason of Damaged using unavailable inventory.

Recall Process

The Store Inventory system receives communication from the vendor requesting 100 units of chicken to be returned back to the supplier.

The store user will create the RTV shipment on the mobile application and enters the quantity to be returned; in this case, the store returns 99 units, packs the goods in a container, confirms the container and dispatches the shipment.

Screen Flow

Figure 8-2 RTV and RTV Shipment Mobile Screen Flow

RTV and RTV Shipment Mobile Screen Flow

The RTV and RTV shipment flows exist under the Shipping/Receiving menu. From the RTV List screen, you can filter the records as needed. Both RTV requests and shipments are accessed from the RTV List screen.

Figure 8-3 RTV and RTV Shipment Status Flow

RTV and RTV Shipment Status Flow


This section describes the available screens for the following functions:

RTV List

Figure 8-4 RTV List Screen

RTV List Screen

The RTV List screen displays a list of externally generated RTV requests and RTV Shipments for the store the use has logged into. The RTV List screen is accessible by clicking RTV from within the Shipping and Receiving menu. The system defaults to all RTV requests and Shipments which are in 'Active' status. The Active statuses for an RTV request are any of the following statuses:

  • Request In Progress

  • Approved

  • Requested

The Active statuses for an RTV Shipment are any of the following statuses:

  • New

  • In Progress

  • Submitted

A Filter option is also available to further filter on the return and shipment records.

You can get into the details of a request or a shipment by tapping on it. You can also create a new shipment and filter records from the RTV List screen.

RTV Search Criteria

Figure 8-5 RTV Search Criteria Screen

RTV Search Criteria Screen

The Search Criteria screen is used to narrow down the list of RTV Requests and Shipments displayed on the RTV List screen. You can access this dialog by tapping on the eye glasses on the RTV list screen. This screen has three sections:

  • Common Criteria

  • Shipment Specific Criteria

  • Request Specific Criteria

The list of criteria displayed is dependent on what you select in the 'Search for' drop-down which has options: All, Requests, Shipments. If you want to search for shipments, select 'Shipment' from this drop-down and the search criteria applied would be 'Common search criteria' AND 'Shipment specific search criteria'. In this scenario, the Request specific criteria would not be visible to you. If you want to search for both shipments and requests together, select 'All' from 'Search for' drop-down and the search criteria applied would be ('Common search criteria' AND 'Shipment specific search criteria') OR ('Common search criteria' AND 'Request specific search criteria').

The result of the search is displayed in the RTV List screen.

There are pre-defined searches available as well: Active Request, Active Shipment, Active Request and Shipment.

RTV Request Items

Figure 8-6 RTV Request Items Screen

RTV Request Items Screen

The Store Inventory system subscribes to RTV Requests from external systems that requests the store to send items back to vendor. You access the Request Items screen by selecting a request from the RTV List screen. This screen displays the list of items present in the RTV request and gives a summary of the various quantities of each item such as:

  • Requested quantity

  • Approved quantity

  • In Shipping quantity

  • Shipped quantity

  • Available quantity of the item at the source store (if the inventory to be returned has to come from Available inventory)

  • Unavailable quantity of the item at the source store (if the inventory of the item has to come from Unavailable inventory)

  • Items with Non-Inventory indicator as Yes are also allowed to be in the request

If sub-buckets is turned on, then the Unavailable field displays the stock for the item that is associated with the specific sub-bucket for the shipment reason code selected for the item.

Whether the screen is editable or not depends on your security permission, status of the request, Not after date. You must also have return reason code data permissions for all items on the request. You can also add items (belonging to the same supplier in the request) to be returned depending on the permissions set. Inactive/delete/discontinued status items can be added to the RTV.

The item image for the line items is displayed per configuration.

Line items appear in a list and selecting a line item navigates to the item details of that item. If an item has been changed in the current session, it is indicated by a bar on the left of the item. Scrolling in the list of items displays a filter. The filter can be used to narrow down the list of items. Filtering can occur by Item ID, Description and Reason.

Scanning or entering an item in the scan bar navigates you to the Item Detail screen for that item. Approved Quantity may be updated depending on the scan mode. If the user scans a VPN, a validation is done to ensure that the VPN scanned belongs to the supplier associated to the delivery.

Footer Menu

The Footer menu is accessed from the ellipsis footer menu on the Request Items screen. The menu functions include the following:

  • Info: Accesses the Info popup.

  • Notes: Accesses the notes dialog to capture notes.

  • Edit RTV: To enter Auth number, and so on.

  • Default Qty: Defaults the requested quantity to the Approved quantity field for all the items in the request.

  • Accept: Accepts and approves the quantities to be returned. The request moves to 'Approved' status and the system will reserve inventory for the items to be returned.

  • Save: Saves the request in 'Request In Progress' status to be completed later.

    Saving a request does not publish any message nor does it reserve any inventory; it simply saves it.

  • Reject: This option allows you to reject the request and move the request to 'Rejected' status.

  • Edit CFA: Lets you enter values for the CFAs that are set up for RTV Requests.

  • Shipment: This menu option will allow you to ship the items in the approved request or view the shipment and container details if they exist. Security exists to create, view and edit the shipment.

  • Close RTV: This menu option will allow you to close the RTV request. After closing an 'Approved' RTV, for the items on return, reservation would be removed and will be moved to available or unavailable depending on where it was reserved from. A message is published to the merchandising system on the inventory reversal.

  • Back: This menu option will allow you to leave the screen. This is available when the screen is in view only mode.

  • Cancel: Exits the screen; changes made in that session are not saved.

  • Print: This option allows you to select formats and print various reports and container labels. The RTV report will be available on this screen. This option will always be available regardless of the return status.

RTV Request Item Detail

Figure 8-7 Item Detail Screen

Item Detail Screen

The Item Detail screen is used when selecting or scanning an item from the Request Items screen. Scanning or entering an item on this screen in the scan bar updates the approved quantity per the scan mode and refreshes the Item Detail screen for the item and quantity scanned.

If the user scans a VPN, a validation is done to ensure that the VPN scanned belongs to the supplier associated to the delivery.

The approved quantity can be edited and updated manually if permissions allow. Items with Non-Inventory indicator as Yes are also allowed to be in the transaction and you can enter approved quantity for these items.

Whether the screen is editable or not depends on your security permission, Status of the request, Not After Date. User must also have return reason code data permissions for all items on the request.

You can add items (belonging to the same supplier in the request) to be returned depending on the permissions set for him.

The item information, including the image (which is system configured), displays in the header. The bottom portion of the screen contains information fields for reason code, disposition, sub-bucket (if system configured), and the stock on hand pertaining to the bucket in which the stock is coming from, Requested quantity, In shipping and Shipped quantity. The list of locations where the item is present is also displayed in this screen, if the item is sequenced.

The Footer menu, ellipsis button, contains a reset function as well as Remove and Restore functions. Page through existing items on the adjustment using the arrows on the bottom.

Edit CFAs Screen

Figure 8-8 Edit CFAs

Edit CFAs

The Edit CFAs screen displays the list of CFAs (flexible attributes) that have been set up for RTV requests, in the desktop application and lets you enter values for them. The CFAs that are set up as Required must have a value entered for it before accepting the request. The value can be one of the following: Date, Text, Decimal, Long depending on the 'data type' set up for the CFAs, while creating them in the desktop application. Appropriate security permission is needed and the request must be in editable state for entering CFA values.

RTV Info

Figure 8-9 RTV Info

RTV Info

The Info screen is an informational popup that contains read-only information about the header level of the request. Details include:

  • RTV ID

  • RTV External ID (ID generated by the external system that has created the request)

  • Status

  • Not After Date

  • Auth Number

  • Total SKUs

  • Created Date

  • Create User

  • Approval Date

  • Approval User

  • User who has rejected the request

  • Rejected Date

  • Close Date

  • User who has closed the request

  • CFAs

Edit RTV

Figure 8-10 Edit RTV Screen

Edit RTV Screen

You can add or edit the Auth Number of the request using this screen. Access this screen from the Request Items screen by selecting the Edit RTV menu option in the Footer menu and needs the necessary permission to edit request details. The Status and the Not After Date are considered in order to display this screen. The status of the request must be either Requested or Request In progress, and the Not After Date must be today or later.

RTV Create Shipment

Figure 8-11 Create Shipment Screen

Create Shipment Screen

This screen enables you to create a shipment in order to send back items to a vendor.

Access the RTV Create Shipment popup by tapping on the 'Create Shipment' button on the RTV List screen.

Select the supplier through the Supplier Lookup option or you can type in the Supplier ID, if known.

The Not After Date is defaulted from a parameter.

The Auth Number can be entered while creating the shipment. If not, it can be entered later while dispatching the shipment.

Select a Return Type, that is, the reason for the return. This can be configured to the business needs; some examples could be damaged goods, Invalid delivery, Seasonal.

When done, select Apply to create the RTV shipment for the supplier.

RTV Ship Containers

Figure 8-12 RTV Ship Containers Screen

RTV Ship Containers Screen

The RTV Ship Containers screen displays the list of containers for a shipment or displays an empty list of containers if the shipment is new. The screen is accessed by opening a shipment from the RTV List screen or by tapping on the 'Create Shipment' button from the RTV List screen. This is the first screen displayed in a shipment flow.

The details of a container such as Tracking ID, Total SKUs and Status are available in this screen. You can identify a container by entering or scanning Internal Container ID, SSCC ID, Tracking ID or GS1 data bar. If the system finds the container, you will be navigated to the Container Items screen where the list of items inside the container are shown.

The filter present in this screen can be used to narrow down the list of containers. Filtering can occur by Container ID (Internal ID, SSCC ID), Tracking ID and Status.

The ellipsis in the lower right hand corner accesses the Footer menu which contains all of the functions that can be performed on a shipment.


The shipment can be saved to 'In Progress' status to continue edits later or it may be set to Submitted or Dispatched. Submitting is possible when the store setting Dispatch Validate is configured for 'Ship Submit'.

Submitting sets the shipment to a Submitted status and does not allow for edits; there are no updates to inventory at this point. You can only Cancel Submit or Dispatch.


When the shipment is dispatched, the RTV reserved quantity for the source location will decrease in addition to the stock on hand. If no shipping quantities are identified the transaction should be cancelled.

Footer Menu

The menu functions include the following:

  • Info: Accesses the Info popup.

  • Notes: Accesses the notes dialog to capture notes.

  • Create: Creates a new container in the shipment.

  • Edit Shipment: Accesses the Edit Shipment screen where details can be added/updated.

  • Submit: Submit performs validation for 'In Progress' shipments and locks the shipment for additional edits. The shipment will be ready for dispatch. This menu option is only available when the store parameter 'RTV Shipment Dispatch Validate' is set equal to Ship Submit.

  • Cancel Submit: Reverses the Submit and moves the shipment back to 'In Progress'.

  • Dispatch: Performs validation and dispatches the shipment. No further changes are allowed. The shipment is now ready to be physically shipped out of the store.

  • Edit CFA: Lets you enter values for the CFAs that are set up for RTV Shipments.

  • Close Shipment: Allows you to close the rtv shipment. If there are items within these containers, reservation would be removed and will be moved to available or unavailable depending on where it was reserved from. A message is published to the merchandising system on the inventory reversal.

  • Delete: Marks the shipment to 'Canceled' status.

  • Back: Exits the shipment.

  • External Printing: Displays the External Printing popup to select a printer for the pre-shipment notice and manifest documents.

  • Print: This option allows you to select formats and print various reports and container labels. The RTV Shipment report and the BOL Detail report will be available on this screen. This option will always be available regardless of the shipment or container status.

Edit CFAs Screen

Figure 8-13 Edit CFAs

Edit CFAs

The Edit CFAs screen displays the list of CFAs (flexible attributes) that have been set up for RTV shipment, in the desktop application and lets you enter values for them. The CFAs that are set up as 'Required' must have a value entered for it before dispatching the shipment. The value can be one of the following: Date, Text, Decimal, Long depending on the 'data type' set up for the CFAs, while creating them in the desktop application. Appropriate security permission is needed and the shipment must be in editable state for entering CFA values.

Shipment Info

Figure 8-14 Shipment Info Screen

Shipment Info Screen

The Shipment Info screen is accessed by clicking the Info menu option in the RTV Ship Container screen footer menu. This screen is a view only screen and lists details about the return shipment such as:

  • Supplier

  • Not After Date

  • Auth Number

  • Return Type

  • Total number of containers

  • Total SKUs

  • Create Date/User

  • Submit Date/User

  • Dispatch Date/User

  • CFAs

BOL Detail

Figure 8-15 BOL Info Screen

BOL Info Screen

The BOL Info screen is an informational screen that contains read-only information about the carrier details for the shipment. This screen is view only and the details are managed on the Edit Shipment screen. Details include:

  • BOL ID

  • Dispatch Date

  • Auth Number

  • Motive

  • Pickup Date

  • Ship to Address

  • Carrier Type

  • Carrier

  • Carrier Service

  • Carrier Address (if entered)

Edit Shipment

Figure 8-16 Edit Shipment Screen

Edit Shipment Screen

The Edit Shipment screen is used to enter details for the shipment including transportation details. Details include:

  • Not After Date

  • Auth Number

  • Return Type

  • Tax ID

  • Motive

  • Pickup Date

  • Ship to Address

  • Carrier Type: Default based on the store parameter 'RTV shipment Carrier Default' but can be modified if necessary. For carrier types of Third Party, the Service will need to be selected.

  • Carrier

  • Carrier Service

  • Carrier Address

The Carrier information is locked down once the container has been confirmed. At that time, the Adjust Carrier button will be available to move the containers back to 'In Progress' to make changes to the carrier and other shipment details.

RTV Ship Container Items

Figure 8-17 RTV Shipment Container Items Screen

RTV Shipment Container Items Screen

The RTV Shipment Container Items screen can be reached once you tap on a container from RTV Ship Container screen. Many functions can be performed through this screen:

  • Add items to a container with reason codes for each item. If the user scans a VPN, a validation is done to ensure that the VPN scanned belongs to the supplier associated to the delivery.

  • Items and quantities can be defaulted from an approved RTV document.

  • Items with Non-Inventory Indicator as Yes are also allowed to be in the transaction and you can enter ship quantity for these items.

  • Item can be added to the container manually which are not on the original RTV document. UOM is selected at the Mode bar of the screen and hence applies to all the items on the container. Toggling the UOM at the Mode bar will change the UOM and convert the quantity at the line item level.

  • You may choose to add notes to the container.

  • You can save, confirm, and delete a container from this screen.

  • Hierarchy limitation for the container can be defined from this screen.

  • UIN icon is displayed if the item is an UIN required item with Serial number or AGSN type.

Footer Menu

The menu functions include the following:

  • Info: Accesses the Info popup.

  • Notes: Accesses the notes dialog to capture notes.

  • Edit Container: Allows you to enter Container ID, weight, package size, tracking id, and so on. See Edit Container story for additional details.

  • Edit CFA: Lets you enter values for the CFAs that are set up for RTV Shipment Containers.

  • Default Item: Allows you to pull approved items from approved RTV documents to the shipment. This option is only available for shipments created for a return request.

  • Adjust: Allows you to move the container back to an editable state after it has been confirmed. User needs the necessary permission to adjust a container.

  • Confirm: Allows you to complete the container with no further edits. Appropriate security permission is necessary to confirm a container. The status of the container moves to 'Completed' status.

  • Save: This menu option will be available on the menu when the screen is in edit mode.

  • Cancel: Exits the screen without saving the changes made, if any. This option will be available when the screen is in edit mode.

  • Back: This allows you to exit the screen. This menu option will be available on the menu when the screen is view only.

  • Delete: This option will allow you to cancel the container. Reserved inventory is relieved appropriately and any RTV documents associated will set back the remaining quantities. Appropriate security permission is necessary to delete a container.

    If the container contains UIN items, the UIN state should be set back to their previous state.

  • Print: This option allows you to select formats and print various reports and container labels. The RTV Shipment Container report will be available on this screen. This option will always be available regardless of the shipment or container status.

Item Detail (Container)

Figure 8-18 Container Item Detail Screen

Container Item Detail Screen

The Item Detail screen is used when selecting or scanning an item from the Container Items screen. Scanning or entering an item on this screen in the scan bar updates the quantity per the scan mode and refreshes the item detail screen for the item and quantity scanned. The quantity can be edited and updated manually if permissions allow. If the user scans a VPN, a validation is done to ensure that the VPN scanned belongs to the supplier associated to the delivery.

Items with Non-Inventory indicator as Yes are also allowed to be in the transaction and you can enter ship quantity for these items.

The item information includes the image that is system configured to display in the header. The bottom portion of the screen contains information fields showing:

  • Inventory Quantity

  • Remaining Quantity

  • Ship Quantity

  • Reason Code

  • Sub-Bucket (if sub-buckets are enabled, for unavailable inventory only) pertaining to the bucket stock is coming from

  • The UIN tab appears for you to navigate to the UIN details if the item is UIN item and the system is enabled for UIN processing for the store.

  • The Extended Attributes tab enables the user to view/capture Extended Attributes for the item. If the item is not configured to capture extended attributes or there are no extended attributes captured, the list will be empty.

The Footer menu (ellipsis button), contains a Reset function as well as Remove and Restore functions. Page through existing items in the container using the RTV Container Default Item navigating arrows on the bottom.

RTV Container Default Item

Figure 8-19 Default Item Screen

Default Item Screen

This screen allows you to pull approved items from approved RTV requests to the shipment. This screen is accessed from the RTV Ship Container Items screen of an approved request and this is only available for shipments created for a request.

The screen defaults items into the RTV Ship Container Items screen through the 'Apply Item' and 'Apply Item and Quantity' options. Apply item will default selected items to the container, while Apply Quantity will default the selected items and the corresponding remaining quantities.

Items that fall under the frozen container hierarchy will only be applied to the container. Also, only the items that has reason codes for which you have data permissions would be applied. The container hierarchy is frozen using the 'Limit Items To' feature in the Edit Container screen.

The remaining quantity column informs you about the quantity on the document that is not shipped yet, and can be used. The remaining quantity is not reduced until a container is confirmed for shipping.

Container Info

Figure 8-20 Container Info Screen

Container Info Screen

The Container Info pop-up appears when a user clicks the Info menu option on the Footer menu of RTV Container Items screen. The Info (Container) is an informational popup containing read-only information about the header level of the container.

Details include:

  • ID

  • Container ID

  • Shipment ID

  • RTV ID

  • Status

  • Supplier

  • Create Date/User

  • Updated Date/User

  • Approve Date/User

  • Total SKUs/Remaining/Quantity

  • Package Type/Weight/Tracking ID

  • Container Hierarchy Limit

Edit Container

Figure 8-21 Edit Container Screen

Edit Container Screen

The Edit Container screen is used to enter details for the container including transportation details. Access to this screen is from the Footer menu on the Container Items screen. Details include: ID, Container ID, Package Type, Weight, Tracking ID, and container restriction by hierarchy. The inventory status and the container restriction by hierarchy are locked down once the first item has been added to the container.

Limit Items to (Hierarchy Restriction)

If you want to set up the container to restrict the container to hold the same type of items, they can set up the container to restrict by department, class, and subclass. You do not select the actual department, but rather set the hierarchy level you want to restrict by. When the first item is added to the container, the department, class, and/or subclass is set for the container based on the hierarchy the item is part of. The container detail screen will display the hierarchy that is locked in. Any items added subsequently must match the hierarchy of the first item. For example, if the restriction was set up to limit items to the same department and the first item added was for the Women's Department, only items that match the Women's Department can be added to the container, but it will not matter which class and subclass the item is in since the hierarchy level is set at Department.

The hierarchy level is auto defaulted depending on the permission you have been given.

If manifesting has been configured, the package type and weight may be required by the carrier selected for the shipment before you can confirm the container.

Select Item

Figure 8-22 Select Item

Select Item

An Item may exist more than once in the request/shipment when the same item has been added with different reason codes.

For example, Item A is added to the request/shipment with reason codes 'Overstock' and as well as 'Externally Initiated'.

The Select Item popup is used when you scan/enter an item that exists on the transaction more than once. The list will display all instances of the scanned item along with all the different reason codes for which the item has been added. You will be able to select any item-reason code combination for the item scanned. If you wish to select a new reason code which is not used already, he can do so too.


When a return document is saved or updated from the RTV shipment, the system moves the items from either Available or Unavailable (non-sellable) inventory, based on the inventory status, and moves it to the Reserved bucket within unavailable inventory. The Return to Vendors uses the RTV Reserved bucket. Upon dispatching of the return, the Reserved buckets will be relieved and the stock on hand will be decremented. If sub-buckets are turned on, the appropriate sub-bucket associated with the return reason will be updated when returning from unavailable inventory.

Example 1: Return to Vendor using Available Inventory

Item Lookup before:

Store A:

  • Total SOH = 706

  • Available SOH = 706

  • Total Unavailable SOH = 0

  • RTV Reserved = 0

  1. The user creates an RTV to move inventory from Store A to the Vendor using available inventory.

  2. The user enters a return quantity of 6 and clicks Approve.

  3. A quantity of 6 is placed into the reserved bucket in both the Store Inventory system and Merchandising. Merchandising is updated through sending a mod message.

  4. The retail ordering system takes into account the saved (reserved) quantity when replenishing the item through its regular ordering (auto-replenishment) process.

  5. Total SOH - Non sellable (Adjustment Unavailable Qty) - Transfer reserved quantity - RTV reserved quantity - Customer Reserved Qty = Available Quantity

    Store A:

    • Total SOH = 706

    • Available SOH = 700

    • Total Unavailable = 6

    • RTV Reserved = 6


    Unavailable is a total of all sub-buckets.

  6. Modify Return Qty to 8 and click Dispatch.

    Item Lookup:

    • Total SOH = 698

    • Available = 698

    • Unavailable = 0

    • Reserved Qty = 0

Example 2: Return to Vendor using Unavailable Inventory

Item Lookup before:

Item Lookup Database
Total SOH = 800 RTV_Quantity =0
Available = 700 Nonsellable (Adjust Unavail) = 100
Unavailable = 100
Nonsellable = 100; Sub-bucket: Trouble 75, Admin 25
RTV Qty = 0

  1. The user creates a shipment and enters a return quantity of 10 (unavailable) and clicks Save.

    Item Lookup Database
    Total SOH = 800 RTV_Quantity =10
    Available = 700 Nonsellable (Adjust Unavail) = 90
    Unavailable = 100
    Nonsellable = 90; Sub-bucket: Trouble 65, Admin 25
    RTV Qty = 10


    The available quantity will still display as 700 on the UI and reports.

  2. Modify Return Qty to 12 and click Dispatch.

    Item Lookup:

    • Total SOH = 788

    • Available =700

    • Unavailable = 88

    • Nonsellable = 88; Sub-bucket: Trouble 63, Admin 25

    • RTV Qty = 0