network function REST Endpoints

network function
Add an NF
Method: post
Path: /rest/{versionId}/inventory/nfMgmt/nfs
Delete an NF
Method: delete
Path: /rest/{versionId}/inventory/nfMgmt/nfs/{nfId}
Get a Targeted NF
Method: get
Path: /rest/{versionId}/inventory/nfMgmt/nfs/{nfId}
Get Information on an NF Group
Method: get
Path: /rest/{versionId}/inventory/nfMgmt/nfs/{nfId}/groups/{groupId}
Get List of NFs in Device Management
Method: get
Path: /rest/{versionId}/inventory/nfMgmt/nfs
Get NF Device Groups
Method: get
Path: /rest/{versionId}/inventory/nfMgmt/nfs/{nfId}/groups
Lock or Unlock Devices
Method: post
Path: /rest/{versionId}/inventory/nfMgmt/nfs/{nfId}/groups/{groupId}/action
Move an NF to Another Device Group Parent
Method: put
Path: /rest/{versionId}/inventory/nfMgmt/nfs/{nfId}
Submit a Request to Resynchronize an NF
Method: post
Path: /rest/{versionId}/inventory/nfMgmt/nfs/{nfId}/action
Update NF Information
Method: put
Path: /rest/{versionId}/inventory/nfMgmt/nfs/{nfId}/groups/{groupId}