Delete Pending Configuration Modifications



Use this (DELETE) method to remove all configuration modifications in the SDM database that the user made on a targeted device. All users are assigned their own configuration modification staging area. This allows concurrent users to make modifications to their own staging area and not interfere with each other. No configuration modification is pushed to a device until the appropriate push action method is invoked. This method allows a user to clear any modifications made during previous sessions that the user does not intend to push to the device and start with a clean staging area. If you initiate a push action to a device, the users current modification in the staging area is completed and cleared automatically and is ready for next provisioning session.


Path Parameters
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400 Response

The user input is invalid.

401 Response

The session ID is invalid.

404 Response

The object (resource URI, device, and so on) of your input request cannot be found.
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