Initiate a Request for Synchronization of Events or Alarms



Use this (POST) method to request that the SDM server re-send events or alarms within a specific time range to the trap receiver targeted by its identifier. SDM resends alarms to this northbound trap receiver only if the type is set to syncActiveAlarm, or it resends events if the type is set to syncAlarm. This method is used to retrieve events or alarms that may not have been received by a northbound server because the system is down or there are network partitions. Using this method for a northbound system can request and synchronize with events or alarms that may have been missed during a connectivity downtime event.


Supported Media Types
Path Parameters
Body ()
Root Schema : alarmAction
Type: object
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Supported Media Types

200 Response

successful operation
Body ()
Root Schema : alarmActionResult
Type: object
Show Source

400 Response

The user input is invalid.

401 Response

The session ID is invalid.

404 Response

The object (resource URI, device, and so on) of your input request cannot be found.
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