Lock or Unlock a Device



Use this (POST) method to apply a device lock on specific devices or unlock a device previously locked by the same user. A lock on a device ensures only the user that applied the lock can run operations on the device. All other users (that is REST, SOAP or GUI) cannot run operations. Locking a device is recommended when clients are starting provisioning sessions and locking ensures that other clients do not compromise the current provisioning. When the provisioning is completed, the client must unlock the device and make it available for all other SDM users. The lock and unlock functions are only applied to the SDM server and not the device itself.


Supported Media Types
Path Parameters
Body ()
Root Schema : deviceAction
Type: object
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204 Response

Successfully processed the request with no content.

400 Response

The user input is invalid.

401 Response

The request is not authorized.

404 Response

The object (resource URI, device, and so on) of your input request cannot be found.
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