About This Guide

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Related Documentation

Table - Oracle Communications Session Delivery Manager Documentation Library

Document Name Document Description
Administration Guide Provides the following administration information:
  • Implement OCSDM on your network as a standalone server or high availability (HA) server.
  • Login to the OCSDM application, access GUI menus including help, customize the OCSDM application, and change your password.
  • Access the product plugin service through the GUI to manage product plugin tasks, including how product plugins are uploaded and installed.
  • Manage security, faults, and transport layer security certificates for east-west peer OCSDM server communication, and southbound communication with network function (NF) devices.
  • Configure northbound interface (destination) fault trap receivers and configure the heartbeat trap for northbound systems.
  • Monitor OCSDM server health to detect heartbeat messages and display the server status to prevent health problems, or view server disk utilization information and server directory statistics.
  • Maintain OCSDM server operations, which includes database backup and database restoration and performing server cluster operations.
  • Use available OCSDM server scripts, the contents of fault trap notifications, and a list of northbound notification traps generated by the OCSDM server.
Installation Guide Provides the following installation information:
  • Do pre-installation tasks, which include reviewing system requirements, adjusting linux and firewall settings, completing OCSDM server settings and configuring your NNCentral account for security reasons.
  • Do the typical installation to perform the minimal configuration required to run the OCSDM server.
  • Do the custom installation to perform more advanced configurations including the mail server, cluster management, Route Manager, transport layer security (TLS), and Oracle database configuration.
Release Notes Contains information about the administration and software configuration of the OCSDM feature support new to this release.
Security Guide Provides the following security guidelines:
  • Use guidelines to perform a secure installation of OCSDM on your server, which includes methods for securing the server, firewall settings, system support for encryption and random number generators (RNG), using HTTPS, and password guidelines.
  • Review Security Manager features that are used to configure groups, users, operations, privileges, and manage access to the system.
  • Follow a checklist to securely deploy OCSDM on your network and maintain security updates.
REST API Guide Provides information for the supported REST APIs and how to use the REST API interface. The REST API interface allows a northbound client application, such as a network service orchestrator (NSO), to interact with OCSDM and its supported product plugins.

The SOAP API guide provides information for the SOAP and XML provisioning Application Programming Interface (API) client and server programing model that enables users to write client applications that automate the provisioning of devices. The web service consists of operations that can be performed on devices managed by the SDM server and data structures that are used as input and output parameters for these operations.