Secure System Password Guidelines

No default passwords are used in the system, and the system ensures that permissions for generated files (such as temp files, configuration files, and log files) are as restrictive as possible so that they cannot be read or edited. During the system run time, all the passwords obtained, generated, stored, or transmitted are encrypted using password-based encryption (PBE).

Use the following guidelines to create the applicable user accounts:

  1. Create the nncentral group and nncentral user account on the Oracle Communications Session Delivery Manager server to set permissions and lock file systems.
  2. Specify limited privileges for an NNCentral user on the Linux server, so this user can administer OCSDM operations on the server by using visudo to make edits to the sudoer configuration file.
  3. In the OCSDM setup installation program, configure the sudo password on the system in the Fault Management configuration. This password is required to enable a trap listener to listen on port 162 and forward device traps from OCSDM to its main northbound trap receiver(s).


    The main OCSDM process has to run as a sudo user to access port 162.
  4. Also in the OCSDM setup installation program, configure the default user account passwords for the admin and LIadmin user groups before starting OCSDM.
  5. Use the default Oracle database accounts for the Report Manager installation.