Create an Oracle Database Instance for BI Publisher

  1. Log in as the oracle user. For example:
    ssh -Y oracle@<my_oracle_server>
  2. Run the Database Creation Assistant.
    [oracle@vm ~]$ cd /app/oracle/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1/bin
    [oracle@vm bin]$ ./dbca
  3. After the Welcome window, select Create a Database and click Next.
  4. In the Database Templates window, select General Purpose or Transaction Processing and click Next.
  5. In the Database Identification window, enter AcmeBIPublisher in the Global Database Name field and click Next.
    The SID is filled in automatically and truncated after 12 characters.
  6. In the Management Options window, click Next to select the defaults that are provided.
  7. In the Database Credentials window, select the database credentials option which suits your needs, enter the password or passwords, and click Next.
  8. Click Next to accept the default settings for each of the following screens:
    • Database File Locations
    • Recovery Configuration
    • Database Content
    • Initialization Parameters
    • Database Storage
  9. In the Creation Options window, click Finish.
  10. In the Confirmation dialog box, click OK.


    Unless you want to create a separate listener for the newly created AcmeBIPublisher database, this error may be safely ignored.
