Configuring User Privileges for Local Configurations

For local standalone and local cluster setups only, add the nncentral user to the oracle group and oinstall group, add the oracle user to the nncentral group and oinstall group, and add both the oracle and nncentral users to the dba group.

The following procedure is necessary only when Oracle BI Publisher and Oracle Session Delivery Manager are installed on the same server.

  1. SSH to your BI Publisher server.
  2. As root, open the /etc/group file.
  3. Add oracle to the end of the line that begins with nncentral and oinstall. Add nncentral to the end of the line that begins with oracle and oinstall. Add the oracle and nncentral to the end of the line that begins with dba.
    For example:


    The <###> represents a series of numbers.
  4. Save and close the file.
  5. Change from the root user to the oracle user.
  6. Grant the nncentral user permission to act as a sysdba.
    cd $ORACLE_HOME/bin
    chmod 6751 oracle
  7. The nncentral user must have read, write, and execute privileges for the oracle user where the Oracle DB is installed. You may grant the necessary privileges as the oracle user with the following command:
    chmod -Rf g+rwX <ORACLE_DB_INSTALL_PATH>
    For example:
    chmod -Rf g+rwX /app
  8. The nncentral user must have read, write, and execute privileges for the oracle user where Oracle MiddleWare is installed. You may grant the necessary privileges as the oracle user with the following command:
    chmod -Rf g+rwX <ORACLE_MIDDLEWARE_PATH>
    For example:
    chmod -Rf g+rwX /app/OracleMiddleWare
  9. Switch to the nncentral user to restart Oracle Communications Session Delivery Manager (SDM) if it is currently running.