Reset the Password for BI Publisher Users

  1. Login to the server on which the BI Publisher application is installed.
    ssh -Y oracle@<BI-Publisher-server>
  2. Change directory to the SDM bin directory (if the BI Publisher application is running on the same server as SDM).
    cd /home/nncentral/AcmePacket/NNC<version>/bin
  3. Execute the script (if the BI Publisher application is running on the same server as SDM). By default, the script detects whether the existing installation is a standalone or clustered system and prompts you with the option to shut down the entire cluster if no flag options are provided.


    You can script an option ahead of time by adding -local for single nodes and -cluster to shutdown an entire cluster.
    Shutdown back-end server
    Do you wish to shut down the entire cluster (Yes/No)? Yes
  4. Stop the WebLogic server by running the script.
    cd /app/OracleMiddleWare/user_projects/domains/bifoundation_domain/bin/
    The default user name is weblogic.
  5. Go to the Oracle database bin home directory.
    cd $ORACLE_HOME/bin
  6. Specify the Oracle session identifier (SID).
    For example:
    export ORACLE_SID=AcmeBIPublis
  7. Connect to the Oracle database as the Oracle system administrator (sysdba).
    ./sqlplus / as sysdba
    SQL*Plus: Release Production on Tue Mar 29 10:29:14 2017
    Copyright (c) 1982, 2009, Oracle.  All rights reserved.
    Connected to:
    Oracle Database 11g Release - 64bit Production
  8. Check the user account status for the BI Publisher database user passwords (DEV_MDS, DEV_BIPLATFORM, or NNCENTRAL).
    For example:
    SQL> select username, account_status from dba_users where username = 'DEV_MDS';
    USERNAME                       ACCOUNT_STATUS
    ------------------------------ --------------------------------
    DEV_MDS                       LOCKED
  9. If the status is in the LOCKED status (the status before the password expires) then you must unlock the BI Publisher database user account before you reset the password. If there is a different status, such as OPEN, EXPIRED and LOCKED, or EXPIRED, skip this step and proceed to step 10.
    For example:
    SQL> alter user DEV_MDS account unlock;
    User altered.
  10. Reset the BI Publisher database user passwords (DEV_MDS, DEV_BIPLATFORM, or NNCENTRAL) by entering their original passwords that were specified during original database installation.
    SQL> alter user DEV_MDS identified by <original password>;
    User altered.
  11. Logout as the Oracle system administrator (sysdba).
    SQL> exit;
    Disconnected from Oracle Database 11g Release - 64bit Production
  12. Connect to BI Publisher database as one of the BI Publisher database users (DEV_MDS, DEV_BIPLATFORM, or NNCENTRAL) to ensure that the database is operational.
    For example:
    ./sqlplus DEV_MDS/<password>@AcmeBIPublis
    SQL*Plus: Release Production on Tue Mar 29 10:43:17 2017
    Copyright (c) 1982, 2009, Oracle.  All rights reserved.
    Connected to:
    Oracle Database 11g Release - 64bit Production
  13. Logout as any one of the BI Publisher database users (DEV_MDS, DEV_BIPLATFORM, or NNCENTRAL).
    SQL> exit;
    Disconnected from Oracle Database 11g Release - 64bit Production
  14. Login again as the Oracle user and start BI Publisher on the WebLogic server.


    If you have any problems starting BI Publisher, see the Restart the WebLogic Server to Run Reports section in the Oracle Communications Report Manager Installation Guide for more information.
    nohup ./ &
  15. Check the Weblogic server log to make sure that it was started successfully.
  16. Switch to the nncentral user.
    su nncentral
  17. Change to the SDM server bin directory.
    cd /home/nncentral/AcmePacket/NNC<version>/bin
  18. Start the SDM server.
  19. Check the Reporting Service log to make sure that it was started successfully.
    grep "service started" ReportingService.log
    2016-02-09 16:44:37,988 INFO [] - Method: [startService]
    Thread: [ReportingService:25]  Msg:[...service started]
  20. If you are running an SDM server cluster, repeat the previous steps for each cluster member node.