Reset Passwords for Oracle and BI Publisher Database Users

The Oracle database (OCSREMDW) user password and the BI Publisher database user passwords (DEV_MDS, DEV_BIPLATFORM, NNCENTRAL) that you configured in the Report Manager installation expires after 180 days. Use the tasks in this chapter to reset any of these passwords before they expire.

Seven days before the Oracle database or BI Publisher passwords expire, an alarm displays in the Fault Manager, Alarms pane that indicates that any one of these passwords need to be reset. These alarms are prompted by the apNNCReportingPswdExpiration trap. The apNNCReportingPswdExpirationClear trap clears the warning in the pane once these passwords are reset. If you are using Report Manager in an SDM cluster, each cluster member node sends out a warning event before a password expires. However, when this warning event is cleared, the clearing event only indicates the server from which the clear trap was generated (even though the other cluster member nodes may also be in a clear state).


If you need to modify when to receive the notification, you can edit the BEServerConfig.xml file using the "daysBeforeExpirationToCheck" option. The file is located in the following SDM server directory: