This document includes following topics:

File Uploads

OutsideIn (For MS Excel processing)

Outside Inn - This is used for parsing XLS, XLSX in file uploads module. This library is not shipped with OBDX but needs to be downloaded from below link for required platform (OS on which app server is running)

Search Export – (Refer Pre requisite installation document for version)

Unzip the downloaded file and copy all contents of ‘redist’ folder to config/outsidein/<os> directory

Then copy all contents (except jar & sh files) of ‘sdk/demo’ directory to config/outsidein/<os>

Use sx.cfg (replace/merge contents if required) shipped in installer from folder config/outsidein/<os>

Confirm/update path  select * from digx_fw_config_all_b where prop_id =


Default config/outsidein/linux64

Grant 777 privileges for OutsideIn directory

File Upload Report Configuration

(ii) Configuration for storing key for decrypting uploaded files and creating encrypted response files

The key used for file decryption by default decryptor is stored in database in digx_fw_config_all_b with prop_id as ‘ENCRYPTION_KEY’. If this is to be stored in WLS connector update the property as below

update digx_fw_config_all_b set prop_value='KEY_STORE' where prop_id='ENCRYPTION_KEY_LOCATION';

Update the encryption key in connector as below –

File Upload Report Configuration

File Upload Report Configuration

Click New > Select ra/DIGXConnectorFILEUPLOAD > Next > Select Default User

In password field, enter the encryption key

File Upload Report Configuration

(iii) Using Enrichers in File Uploads (For custom defined templates only, not required for out of box templates)

How Enrichers are used in File Upload ?

File Upload Report Configuration

Static Enrichers

File Upload Report Configuration

File Upload Report Configuration

Dynamic Enrichers

If ‘enricherDynArgs’ is specified

Eg. enricherDynArgs=”beneId~beneName” on beneficiary address field, the parser simply invokes getters on beneId and beneName fields and passes the values to the enricher in a map. It should be noted that these fields must be defined previously/above the beneficiary address field, so that parser has already completed the setter operation.


<Field name=" beneId"/>
<Field name=" beneName "/>
<Field name="beneAddr" enricher="ADDRESSENRICHER" enricherDynArgs=" beneId~beneName "/>

Extract (Response) File Enrichers

File Upload Report Configuration

Enrichers can be added to response file templates. The enricher class is invoked in the same way as upload templates. Eg, in above case, localized error message need to be added to extracts from ‘errCode’. Extract enrichers do not support dynamic arguments

In Account Mask configuration

Based on the values of prop_id ‘extsystem.branch.code.inaccountmask’ and ‘extsystem.branch.code.mask.position’ in table ‘DIGX_FW_CONFIG_ALL_B’ following configurations need to be done in channel\framework\js\constants\constants.js:

File Copy Configuration

In case of FCR/OBPM as host, for file level uploads in OBDX, the files are generated in FCR/OBPM formats after approval at OBDX end is complete. These files are stored in a directory on OBDX server. For record level, service is used same as of single screen transactions.

FCR configs

Provide the values for the below properties in the MSTPROPERTIES table of host schema:

FU_FTPFILEPATH Filepath of rjsin where FCR will poll and pick files for further processing
FU_USERNAME FTP username of FCR machine. Needs to encrypted using AES key as in connecter
FU_PASSWORD FTP password of FCR machine. Needs to encrypted using AES key as in connecter

OBPM configs

The following directories needs to be created by OBPM on the host system with full permission:

OBDX will always put files in /ready folder. All the three directories must be at the same level.

Example of directories:

Note: <Any path> is some path on the host system and all the directories created should be in this path.

Provide the values for the below properties in the MSTPROPERTIES table of host schema:

FU_FTPFILEPATH Filepath of folder where files need to be copied on OBPM machine. The path needs to have a directory named ready at the end. Eg: <Any path>/ready as mentioned in the above example. OBDX will copy the files to the ready directory. Files will be picked by invoking OBPM restful service(from OBDX adapter) with configs given below.
FU_USERNAME FTP username of OBPM machine. Needs to encrypted using AES key as in connecter*.
FU_PASSWORD FTP password of OBPM machine. Needs to encrypted using AES key as in connecter*.

OBPM file upload Restful service configurations

*The Password and Username can be encrypted by executing the jar in cmd at path ../svn/clip/branches/r18. as follows :

Java –jar CryptoUtils.jar <Plain Text> <Encryption Key of length 16 bytes>


Reports in OBDX can be used with Internal Reports Engine or Oracle BI.

(i) Reports – Internal Report Engine

In installer scripts, all reports point to Internal report engine, no additional configuration is required.

Note: A8_C2_PENDING_APPROVALS works only with BI.
For API Summary reports, internal engine works for maximum 500 records only. For higher load BI is recommended.

(ii) Reports – BI Configuration

update digx_rp_definition set provider='BI', allowed_formats='PDF~XLSX' and report_id not in (‘A17’, ‘A01’, ‘A02’, ‘A03’);

Update BI webservice URL as

Update digx_fw_config_out_ws_cfg_b set url='http://<BI Host>:<BI Port>/xmlpserver/services/v2/ReportService?WSDL' where service_id='runReport'

Note: FATCA & CRS & EBPP reports works only with internal report engine and not with BI

File Upload Report Configuration

File Upload Report Configuration

Eg. A1_USER_PARTY.xdmz – (OUD)

A1_USER_PARTY_DBAUTH.xdmz – (DB Authenticator)


Select the appropriate xdmz and map to xdoz as shown below -

File Upload Report Configuration

File Upload Report Configuration

Select the data model and save.

For multi entity reports, create separate directories as shown below

U3 and U4 are multi entity reports

File Upload Report Configuration

Use separate connections for host in these reports to point to required hosts.

File Upload Report Configuration

Add outbound credentials for this application, by following below steps

File Upload Report Configuration

File Upload Report Configuration

File Upload Report Configuration

Enter administrator credentials of BIPClosedOracle Business Intelligence Publisher and click Finish.

File Upload Report Configuration
