To inquire the banking information, FCUBS provides a set of database views/synonyms. These are created on a connector schema which is created at the time of installation of the product.

A datasource must be created on the application server where the application has been deployed. The name of the datasource must be specified in the jdbc.poperties file for the property name FCON.A1.JNDI.NAME, FCON.AP.JNDI.NAME and FCON.B1A1.JNDI.NAME.

Below properties should be define in config/jdbc.properties file

Host Integration

Server Setup

Create Data source with JNDI name as defined in config/jdbc.properties file.

Host Integration Matrix

Please note that in case of multi entity scenario, the JNDI name should be in the format <ENTITY_ID>_B1A1. For example, for entity identifier as ‘UBDX_BUClosedBusiness Unit’, the JNDI name will be OBDX_BU_B1A1.

Server Arguments

Host Integration Matrix


We have FCUBS deployable ear containing all the jar files required to invoke the FCUBS adapter.

Following deployable should be deployed on OBDX server:


It contains all the related libraries required to process FCUBS system request.
