Each execution creates a new directory as <DDMonthHHMM> under <OBDX INSTALLER DIR>/ExecInstances directory where installer execution logs as described below are stored.

Log Description


Summarized Installer Activity Log

<OBDX INSTALLER DIR>/ExecInstances/<DDMonthHHMM> /logs/obdx_installer.log

Summarized Database Logs

<OBDX INSTALLER DIR>/ExecInstances/<DDMonthHHMM> /logs/db/DB_installation.log

Detailed OBDX DB Logs per SQL file

<OBDX INSTALLER DIR>/ExecInstances/<DDMonthHHMM> /logs/db/OBDX/*

Detailed EHMS schema Logs per SQL file (specific to EHMS host system only)

<OBDX INSTALLER DIR>/ExecInstances/<DDMonthHHMM> /logs/db/<EHMSHOST>/*

<EHMSHOST> - values such as OBPClosedOracle Banking Platform; FLL; FCORE; OBPM; UBS; UBS124

RCU Logs

<OBDX INSTALLER DIR>/ExecInstances/<DDMonthHHMM> /logs/app/obdx_stb_rcu_1600.log

Weblogic Configuration Logs

<OBDX INSTALLER DIR>/ExecInstances/<DDMonthHHMM> /logs/app/obdx_wls_post.log

Detailed OBDX policy seeding logs

<OBDX INSTALLER DIR>/ExecInstances/<DDMonthHHMM> /logs/db/Entitlement.log

<OBDX INSTALLER DIR>/ExecInstances/<DDMonthHHMM> /logs/db/Task.log

Note: Check for SEVERE keyword; If found refer to Troubleshot section to re-run the policy

Detailed policy seeding logs if SQL execution fails

Note: It will be created in case of failure during execution of policies

<OBDX INSTALLER DIR>/ExecInstances/<DDMonthHHMM> /logs/db/error.log

Policy seeding execution Log

<OBDX INSTALLER DIR>/ExecInstances/<DDMonthHHMM> /logs/db/seedPolicies.log

Note: Should be empty if no errors during policy execution. In-case non-empty refer to Troubleshot section to re-run the policy

Check all the logs for any errors
