This document includes following topics:


OHS software along with instance should be available for use.

For further detailed configuration of Oracle HTTP Server, please refer to https://docs.oracle.com/middleware/12213/webtier/administer-ohs/toc.htm.

UI Deployment

Below steps needs to be performed for UIClosedUser Interface deployment on OHS server.

OHS User Interface Configuration

OHS Interface Configuration

OHS User Interface Configuration

Configuration to run UI on Oracle HTTP Server

Make sure following OHS modules must be loaded

Following are the changes need to be done in the obdx.conf file and place this file in same folder where httpd.conf file exists.

Include the obdx.conf into httpd.conf using below configuration

include “obdx.conf" (needs to be added in httpd.conf).

Read obdx.conf for inline documentation.

OHS User Interface Configuration

Following are the changes need to be done in mod_wl_ohs.conf

Copy below configuration into mod_wl_ohs.conf

<IfModule weblogic_module>



Debug ON


MatchExpression /digx/*


Configure below properties

Sample configuration (for reference purpose only)

<IfModule weblogic_module>

WebLogicHost wls_server1

WebLogicPort 7003

Debug ON

WLLogFile /tmp/weblogic_obp.log

MatchExpression /digx/*


OHS User Interface Configuration

Authentication Configuration:

OBDX product ships with two type of authentication methods:

Configuring the OAM Authentication

By default OAM server URL is set as http://mum00aon.in.oracle.com:14100/oam/server

Replace it to your OAM server URL in the following files:

Configuring the Non OAM Authentication

Configuring Non OAM Authentication implementer needs to change following files:

Google Map Configuration:

By default Google map SDK URL is set as


Replace it to your Google map SDK URL in the following files:

Social Media Configurations:

By default Linkedin and Facebook API key is set as

Linkedin Key: 86hg2yshsq76yd

Facebook Key: 233137313819556

Replace it to your social media API keys in the following files:

Configuring HOST specific static resources lookup:

In Origination module there are host specific static resource lookup are needed. So depends on the HOST you need to set HOSTID property in UI. For this implementer needs to do following change:

Wallet Configurations:

By default OBDX Base server URL is set as http://mum00apu.in.oracle.com:7777/digx/v1/

Replace it to your OBDX Base server URL in the following files:

Since OBDX UI support Subresource integrity and changing files mentioned above will impact it and files which are changed won’t work. SHA hash for all files are maintained in <CHANNEL_PATH>/framework/js/pages/security.js. There are two ways for solving this problem:

Once all above steps are completed, restart the OHS server.

For the restarting of the OHS Server first go to the bin directory of the OHS instance.

OHS User Interface Configuration

Note: please ignore docker commands.

opmnctl is the command for controlling all the instance of OHS including start,stop, restart and status

OHS User Interface Configuration

Note: please ignore docker commands.

OHS User Interface Configuration

Note: Please ignore docker commands.

Refer https://docs.oracle.com/cd/E14571_01/doc.1111/e14007/opmnctl.htm#ASPMN129 for the all option available in opmnctl command.
