The Guidance for Implementation Teams consists of following topics:

CSRF Mitigation – Generating Nonces

A nonce is a pseudo random number that may be used only once. If a nonce is sent across in every request from the client to the server and the server validates the sent nonce every single time, then it mitigates the risk of Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF).

The product provides a REST Service to generate nonces – each nonce can be used only once to identify each request uniquely, for each session. The product also has an inbuilt framework that will validate the nonce sent in the request.

Therefore post a successful login you need to make a call to https://<Host>:<Port>/digx/v1/session/nonce before you make a call to any other service. This service will return back an array of nonces in the response header. You can pick up any one nonce from the array and use it to send across the nonce required in a subsequent request. A nonce can be used only once. You need to discard it after usage.

Please note that unless you send across a nonce, the services that are accessed post login will not work.

Indirect Object Reference Implementation

What it means

It is a good security practice to hide sensitive data objects from the end user. Although the system needs to play around with sensitive data objects, it is recommended to refer to these sensitive data objects via pointers – tokens that temporarily point to the sensitive data objects but themselves do not contain any sensitive data.

For example consider a credit card application on the web which offers the following 2 transactions:

The Credit Cards Summary page will typically list all credit card numbers in a masked format. Let’s assume that the end user holds 2 Credit Cards C1 and C2. When the end user hits the Summary link, the server returns back the following in its response:

T1 and T2 are random tokens – difficult to guess – which the server has generated as proxies for C1 and C2 respectively. The server has internally stored this mapping of C1-T1 and C2-T2 somewhere. Please note that T1 and T2 are tied to the current session. The moment the session expires, T1 and T2 get discarded. Next time the user logs in, the server generates different tokens T1x and T2x for C1 and C2 respectively.

Whenever the user clicks on say Credit CardClosedA credit card is a payment card issued to users (cardholders) as a method of payment. Details for C1, the client sends T1 to the server instead of C1, as a request parameter. The server internally figures out that the request is actually for C1 and processes the request accordingly.

Thus we refer to sensitive data indirectly via tokens that are generated with different values for every session

How OBDX supports it

To implement the above mechanism the framework offers interception of both the request and the response. For the interception to work automatically, the sensitive fields holding the Personally Identifiable Information (PII) must be defined as a Java type, which extends the abstract class.


The abstract class essentially exposes 2 fields, namely value and displayValue. The value field holds the indirected value which is used for data transmission. Whereas, the displayValue field holds the masked value of the data.

The following data types are supported out-of-box:

To modify the existing/base product-masking pattern for any of the above data types, the following entries need to be copied/cloned from the table DIGX_FW_CONFIG_ALL_B to the table DIGX_FW_CONFIG_ALL_O and then modified as required in DIGX_FW_CONFIG_ALL_O.

Note: Please DO NOT MODIFY these entries IN DIGX_FW_CONFIG_ALL_B.

Data Type

Category ID

Property ID




ApplicantClosedAn applicant refers to an individual or a non-individual (organization or trust) who has applied for one or more main lines.


















PartyClosedA party is any individual or business entity having a banking relationship with the bank.






SSNClosedSocial Security Number






The characters allowed in the making pattern are as below:

N – Keeps the character transparent. Does not mask.

Any other character – Replaces the character at the location to the character specified.

For example: XXXXXNNNN will keep the last 4 characters in clear text and mask the first 5 characters using the character ‘X’.

Output Encoding

To To mitigate inline Cross Site Scripting attacks, the product provides a framework to encode the data sent in the response. In the previous versions up until OBDX there was guidance in this section of the security guide on the steps needed to be followed to implement output encoding in your service response. However, in OBDX this is something that is handled implicitly in the framework for all services, base as well as any custom services that you might write.

There is nothing that you need to do explicitly to achieve this.

Implementing a custom Cryptography Provider

The base product provides a symmetric key cryptography framework that enables the implementation team to implement its own custom symmetric key encryption/decryption mechanism. The product is shipped out with an out of the box Cryptography Provider that will be invoked if no custom implementation is found. If you wish to write your own custom Cryptography Provider, the required steps are as follows:

The interface defines methods as shown below:






Deploy your custom jar on the WebLogic server and you should be all set.

The Cryptography Provider will be invoked when the system invokes the encryption framework for the following actions:

Implementing a custom 2FA mechanism




Configuring Password Printing Securely

Banks need to provide new customers with system-generated credentials to enable them to login into the system for the first time. Some of the banks prefer to print the first time password on paper and then hand it over to the customer in person.

To enable banks to do this, OBDX has the “Print Password” function built out of the box. However, the base OBDX product will not provide an end-to-end solution since password printing is not something universal.

For the sake of this explanation, we are going to break up the process of Password Printing into 6 steps:

Steps 2 and 5 can be customized, but not mandatory.

Please refer to section 4.4. However, it is mandatory to implement Step 6. Here is how you can plug-in your implementation of printing the password:


Configuring User Session Invalidation

From security point of view, OBDX provides the feature to invalidate user’s current active sessions i.e. user will be logged out automatically in either of below scenarios

By default the behavior is disabled i.e. after changing the password or after admin locking the user or revoking the channel access, user session will not be invalidated i.e. user can continue with its present session.

As per business requirement Consulting/Implementation team can override this behavior by executing below steps:

Once the default behavior of application is changed, UIClosedUser Interface needs to be customized to provide provision to go on login screen from Change Password Screen instead of default behavior of going back to Dashboard. This can be achieved with below steps:
