Approval rules

This function enables the Corporate AdministratorClosedAdministrator is a set of individuals that administer the applicant/Affiliate entity. For example, Accountants, Authorized Signatories for organizations, Power of Attorney for individuals. to set up conditions for approval as per the bank/ corporate requirements. Rule can be set up for financial transactions, non-financial transactions and for maintenances. Flexibility exists to define approval rules with conditions stating that ‘specific transaction’ if initiated by a ‘specific user/user group’ has to be approved by a ‘specific approver/approver group’ along with other attributes like amount range etc.




Features supported in application

The Approval Rule maintenances allow the Corporate Administrator to:

You are here How to reach here:

Corporate Administrator Dashboard > Quick Links > Approvals > Rule Management > Approval RulesClosedRules are set of application instructions to form the logic and basis of calculation across various modules. Multiple conditions can be set in a single Rule ID. These rules are used across modules to calculate interest rates, service charges, and so on.
Toggle Menu > Approvals > Rule Management > Approval Rules

Approval Rules – Summary

Corporate Administrator logs into the system and navigates to the Rules Management screen, approval rules maintained (if any) for the party mapped to the user are displayed on the screen. User can view the details of existing rules or can create new approval rule using this screen.

Approval Rules

Approval Rules - View

On accessing ‘Rules Management’ menu option, summarized view of all the approval rules maintained if any under a party are shown on the screen. Further drill down is given on the each rule to view the details of approval rule.

To view the approval rules:

  1. In the Approval Rules screen, click the Rule Code link, for which you want to view the details. The Approval Rules - View screen appears.
  1. Click Edit to edit the approval rule. The Approval Rule - Edit screen with values in editable form appears.
    Click Delete to delete the approval rules.
    Click Cancel to cancel the operation and navigate back to ‘Dashboard’.
    Click Back to go back to previous screen.

Approval Rules - Create

Corporate Administrator can create approval rules for the corporate users. Administrator is allowed to create an approval rule only if the party preference is maintained and is in active status.

Approval rules can be setup based on the following parameters.

Type of Transactions







Amount Range

Administrator can create multiple approval rules for party users. In a scenario when a transaction is initiated and multiple rules are applicable as per set conditions, then the complex rule amongst all the applicable rules is applied for approval.

User can further define if for a condition, the transaction should be auto approved (which means there is no approval workflow and the transaction gets approved as soon as initiator submits it) or should follow a set approval workflow and should get approved by the defined set of approvers. The same is achieved by attaching a workflow maintained for the corporate party.

To create an approval rule:

  1. Click Create. The Approval Rules - Create screen appears.

Approval Rules - Create

  1. In the Rule Type field, select the appropriate transaction rule type.
  2. In the Rule Code field, enter the code.
  3. In the Rule Description field, enter the rule name.
  4. From the Initiator Type field, click appropriate user / user group and select the user/ user group.
  5. From the Transaction list, select the transactions to be mapped to the rule.
  6. From the Accounts list, select the appropriate account, if you have selected Financial option in the Rule Type field.
  7. From the Currency list, select the appropriate account currency, if you have selected Financial option in the Rule Type field.
  8. In the Amount Range section, enter the appropriate amount.
  9. In the Workflow Details section, select whether approval is required for the mapped transactions.
  10. If you select Yes option, select the appropriate Workflow.
  11. Click Save to create the approval rule.
    Click Cancel to cancel the operation and navigate back to ‘Dashboard’.
    Click Back to go back to previous screen.
  12. The Approval Rule - Create - Review screen appears post necessary validations. Verify the details, and click Confirm.
    Click Cancel to cancel the operation and navigate back to ‘Dashboard’.
    Click Back to go back to previous screen.
  13. The success message of saving the approval rule creation appears along with the transaction reference number and status.
    Click OK to complete the transaction and navigate back to ‘Dashboard’.

Approval Rules - Edit

  • Corporate administrator can edit the approval rules. Administrator is allowed to change the description of the rule and is also allowed to change the parameters associated with the specific approval rule.

    Modifications in approval rule are allowed only if the party preference is in active status.

    Edited rules are applicable for new transactions initiated post rule update. Previously initiated transactions which are pending approval will follow a rule which was applied at the time of transaction initiation.

  • To edit an approval rule:

    1. In the Approval Rules screen, click the Rule Code link, for which you want to view the details. The Approval Rules - View screen appears.
    2. Click Edit. The Approval Rules - Edit screen appears.

    Approval Rules - Edit

    Approval Rules - Delete

  • Using this option, Corporate Administrator can delete the approval rules.

  • To delete an approval rule:

    1. In the Approval Rules screen, click the Rule Code link, for which you want to view the details. The Approval Rules - View screen appears.
    2. Click Delete to delete the approval rules. The application will prompt the Corporate Administrator with a deletion message, Click Yes to confirm.
      User is directed to Approval Rule – Delete confirmation page.

    Approval Rules - Delete


    ClosedCan user be the part of multiple user groups crated under a party?

    Yes, same user can be part of multiple user groups. Whereas creating a user group without any user is not allowed.

    ClosedMaximum how many levels of approvals one can set up?

    Administrator can set up minimum one and maximum five levels of approvals as a part of approval workflow.

    ClosedWhich approval rule will get applied when multiple applicable approval rules are found for specific transaction?

    In a scenario when a transaction is initiated and multiple rules are applicable as per set conditions, then the complex rule amongst all the applicable rules is applied for approval.

    ClosedWhat happens to the approval process when approval rule gets edited when a transaction is pending with one of the approver for approval?

