Schedule Inquiry

Through this feature, the user is able to gain an understanding of the loan repayment life cycle. This page displays details of each installment including the interest and principal amounts along with any charges, if applicable, and the total installment amount due on each specific date throughout the loan tenure.

The user is able to identify important information such as the frequency in which repayment installments are made, the total number of installments and the number of installments paid and those that are pending.

You are here How to reach here:

Toggle menu > Accounts > Loans and Finances > Schedule Inquiry


Dashboard > My Accounts widget > Loans and Finances > Overview > Quick Links > Schedule Inquiry

To view the loan schedule:

  1. From the Select Account list, select appropriate loan account number.
  2. In the Date Range field, select the period for which installment details are to be enquired.
    Based on selected period, view the set of installments in the loan schedule. To view next set of entries in the Loan Schedule of the account, click the navigation icons. For more information, click here.
  3. Click Pdf to download the loan schedule in .pdf format. For more information click here.
