User can assign their own description or name for all savings, checking, term deposits, and loan accounts. A nickname is a unique user defined description, for an account. Nicknames will be displayed, along with the account number in all enquiry and transaction screens. This option also allows user to modify or delete the nickname, if required. In case of an account with nick name, the account will get displayed with the nickname.

To add nickname to account:

  1. Click Add Nickname, to add nickname to an account.
  2. In the ADD Nickname field , enter the nickname you want to use.
  1. Click Save Nickname to save your changes.
    Nicknames, will be displayed along with account number, in all enquiry and transaction screens.

To edit / delete nickname to account:

Edit Nickname

  1. Click Edit Nickname, to modify nickname.
    Update the nickname, and click Save Nickname to save your changes.
    Click Delete Nickname, to delete nickname.


ClosedWhat is Total Maturity Amount?

The total maturity amount is the amount that the deposit is worth at the time of maturity.

Closed Does the application allow the User to redeem a term deposit before the maturity date?

Yes, it is possible to redeem the term deposit before the maturity date, through the application provided the facility is supported for a product under which the term deposit account is opened.

Closed Does the application allow partial redemption from term deposit account?

Yes, depending on the term deposit product type, the user can perform partial redemption of his Term Deposit online.

ClosedWhat happens to my term deposit at maturity?

This will depend on the maturity instructions defined by you at the time the deposit was opened. Based on your selection at that point, at the time of maturity, the deposit would either be renewed or the amount will get credited to a specified account. If the funds are to be withdrawn at maturity, you can provide the details of the account to which the maturity proceeds are to be credited.

ClosedCan I add funds to my term deposit?

If the term deposit product has a facility for top up, then an option will be provided to add funds into the term deposit. The maximum amount with which you can top up the deposit will be defined by the bank and displayed on the top up page.

ClosedWho all can view a nickname that a user has set?

One account can have multiple nicknames set by different users, who have access to that account – however only the logged in user can view the nickname he has set.

ClosedAre nicknames displayed in all places, where an account number is displayed?

No, Approvers can only view the account number, but not nicknames set by makers. Further Review screens contain the account number (where applicable), but not the nickname.