Deposit Details

Using this option, the user can view the complete details of the TDClosedTerm Deposit is a deposit accepted by bank, for a fixed term, from customers. A term deposit is a liability of a bank with fixed maturity period.. The key details shown as part of term deposit details are;

You are here How to reach here:

Toggle Menu > Accounts > Term Deposits > Overview > Deposit Details

To view the term deposit account activity:

Transactions -Search Criteria

You can also initiate following actions using Deposit Details- Quick Links section:

Pre-Generated Statement

Pre-generated statements are statements that have been generated by the core banking application, for an account. Through this option, the user can view a statement that was generated previously – he may want to do this if he has missed a past statement for some reason. (Like accidentally deleting e-statements or misplacing his mail in case of a physical copy).

To download pre-generated statements:

  1. In the Deposit Details screen, click the Pre-generated Statement to view the pre-generated statement.

    The pop-up screen prompting you to download the pre-generated statement appears.
  1. From the Period list, select the desired year and month of the pre-generated statement.
  2. Click Search to search for the statement for the selected period.
  3. Click on Download column (.pdf) to Save / Print the statement.

