First Time Login

When a new user logs into the application for the first time with the user name and password provided by bank, there are certain tasks that he/she needs to fulfill before being able to access the online services of the bank. The tasks include accepting the terms and conditions of the bank, change of system generated password and setting up security questions (only if the bank administrator has set up security questions as a second factor authentication for any of the transactions).


You are here How to reach here:

Portal Page > Login

To log in to the application:

  1. In the Username field, enter your user name.
    Click Virtual keyboard icon to enter the user name using the virtual keyboard.
  2. In the Password field, enter your password.
    Click Virtual keyboard icon to enter the password using the virtual keyboard.

Note: The characters typed in the Password field appear masked (••••••) for security reasons.

  1. Click Login.
    The First Time Login - Terms and Condition screen appears.

First Time Login - Terms and Condition

  1. Read the terms and conditions.
  2. Click Accept to accept the terms and conditions.
    The Force Change Password screen appears

Note: The Force Change Password screen will only appear for users for whom the password is set by administrator and not for the users who have self-registered themselves.

Force Change Password

Note: Password Conditions get highlighted in green if the user’s password is meeting the Password Policy criteria and similarly in Red if the password is not as per the Password Policy maintained.

User Security Question Setup

Set Security Questions
