ForeX Calculator

The foreign exchange calculator is a tool to find the conversion values between two currencies. It provides the equivalent value of one currency to another currency. With the help of forex calculator user can determine the buying and selling prices between two currencies. The conversion is based on the mid-rate defined. The currency exchange rate for the selected currencies is also displayed. Exchange rates of only predefined currencies can be viewed by the customer.

Exchange rates for the currency will be fetched online from the host system and calculations will be done based on the exchange rate retrieved.

Features Supported In Application:


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Dashboard > My Accounts Widget > Current and Savings > ForexClosedForeign Exchange Currency Calculator

To calculate currency exchange amount:


ClosedAs a Retail User, what are the CASAClosedCurrent Account or Savings Accounts are operative accounts through which account holders perform day to day operations such as deposits and withdrawal of money. accounts that I can view online

The Retail User will have online access to all his accounts – whether conventional or Islamic, that he holds with the bank.

ClosedCan the user access Islamic CASA account details 24/7 on the online platform?

Yes, the user can access account details 24/7, except at times of system downtime or transaction blackout.

ClosedWho all can view a nickname that a user has set?

Only you can view the nickname that you have set.

Closed Can a user apply for new debit card online, only at the time of account opening?

The user can apply for a debit card online, whether it is his first card or his existing card is expired or lost, at the time of account opening or later.

ClosedCan I have multiple debit cards linked to a CASA account?

This is dependent of the features of the specific Islamic CASA. Generally, in joint accounts, both the primary account holder as well as the joint holder are provided a debit card each.

ClosedIf a lost debit card is found and restored to the cardholder, can it be reactivated?

No, for security purposes, once a card has been blocked, it cannot be re-activated. You can make a request for a new debit card.

Closed Can the user find exchange rate between all currency pairs?

The user can find exchange rate between currency pairs, provided that they are available for selection, and the currency pair is maintained in the Host and exchange rate is available for it.
