Top up

This feature enables a customer to invest some amount, he might have, in an existing term deposit. Customers can top-up an existing term deposit with the desired and permissible top-up amount.

The application not only displays the current investment position of the term deposit, but also has the provision to calculate the revised maturity amount, interest rate and total investment. The customer can fund the top-up using any of his current or savings accounts held with the bank.

You are here How to reach here:

Dashboard > My Accounts Widget > Term Deposits > More Options > Top Up
Toggle Menu > Accounts > Term Deposits > Top Up

To top-up the term deposit:


ClosedCan I add funds to my term deposit?

If the term deposit product has a facility for top up, then an option will be provided to add funds into the term deposit. The maximum amount with which you can top up the deposit will be defined by the bank and displayed on the top up page.
