Audit log is set of records that provide information about operations performed in the application and details of the user who has performed it along with date and time when it was performed.

Audit logs are useful both for maintaining security and for auditing any disputed transaction. As part of this function, the bank administrator and/or system administrator can view details about the transactions and maintenances performed by different user(s) in the system.

The administrator can search records by providing specific search parameters and system will display matching records for the search criteria. Maintenances created/ edited/ deleted/ inquired by bank administrator can be audited through this function by the system administrator. Maintenances created/ edited/ deleted/ inquired by corporate administrator can be audited through this function by the bank as well as system administrator.

Transactions carried out by corporate users can be audited if required by the Corporate or Bank administrator and also by system administrator.


You are here How to reach here:

Administration Dashboard > Controls and Monitoring > Audit Log
Administration Dashboard > Toggle menu > Others > Audit Log

Search Audit Details

To view audit log:

  1. From the Date and Time list, select the period for which you want to view the audit log.
  2. Enter required search criteria. Click Search.
    Audit log appears based on the entered search parameters.
    Click Clear to reset the details.
    Click Cancel to cancel the transaction and navigate the user back to Dashboard.


Closed Do I need to enter all the parameters to search?

No. You need to enter at least the date and time criteria to proceed with audit search. Rest of the search parameters are optional and can be entered if the search results are to be narrowed down.

ClosedI do not remember the party ID for input, can I search a party if I need to view audit details for a specific party?

Yes. You can search a party by clicking ‘Search Party’ and searching the party by entering the party name.

Closed As part of input search criterion/ parameters, in the action field there are certain options disabled. Is there a specific reason?
