
AUTO OPEN FOLIO Application Setting


Type. Parameter

Application. PMS

Description. For a checked out reservation that qualifies for the Post Stay Charge privilege and has the POST_CO_FLAG set to "P", if a charge is posted via an interface on the day of departure, it will be automatically changed to an Open Folio reservation.

Internal Name. AUTO_OPEN_FOLIO

Property Determination.

Activation / Inactivation Rules. 

The CASHIERING > OPEN FOLIO application parameter must be active.

Available Values.

Y - Yes

N - No (Default)

Add On Licenses/Country Specifics.


Other Application Settings.

CASHIERING > OPEN FOLIO application parameter

Affected Areas

Menus / Screens / Fields.

Reservations > Edit > Reservation screen

Front Desk > In House Guest Search screen

Reports & Report Forms.





This parameter is strictly related to automatic postings via an interface.