
Business Rules for Sending and Receiving Package Elements Between V3 and ORS

Receiving from V3 to ORS:

The Interface does not upload department codes (not used in the ORS).

ORS does not support:

Implement new Transaction code conversion table only for OXI-V6 interface:

The OXI_HUB Conversion Codes table Transaction Code must be setup if there is specific inclusive package for taxes that need to be included to a specific transaction code in ORS For message coming from V6 the Package Codes from External system must be converted to an existing ORS Transaction code.  The Inclusive column in the Transaction Code conversion must be set to be Y for Inclusive or N for not inclusive product.  (Currently Shangri-La exclusive function.)

The Product Code conversion table must be setup if the conversions are not (1 to 1) but are the same products.

There can be multiple Package codes in one record entry delimited by a (,) comma.

If there are multiple records in the conversion table with matching package codes the record with maximum number of matching codes should be used. Tax inclusive flag also should be retrieved from the matching record in conversion table.

Sending from ORS to V3:

Conversion records must be located using the transaction code and package codes in the conversion table should be send to V6.

In the PMS you may have the same package code existing many times; however, the ORS only supports a product code once.

See Also

