
Transferred Commissions (comtransfer with TAC6.FMX)

This report is available when the OPP_COM Commission Handling add-on license is active.

This report can be run from within Commission Processing or by selecting the Miscellaneous>Reports menu bar option. When accessed from Commissions Processing (by selecting the Reports button on the Commissions Processing screen), the selected Bank Account and Travel Agent/Source are pre-populated into the selection criteria FMX.

The Transfer Commissions report shows the reservations that are in commission payment processing, by agent or source, for the selected departure date or date range. Each guest record includes commission amount details. The report also shows grand total commissions information for all agents and sources.

You are prompted to enter the From Date and To Date that define the range of departure dates that should be covered by the report. You can also select the sort order for the guest stay information displayed by the report.

TAC6.FMX Selection Criteria

Transfer Date Range

Transfer Date Range.  From and To dates to define reservation departure date range to be covered by this report. These fields can be left blank and the report will return data based on the other selection criteria.  


Bank Account.  Multi-select LOV of all configured Bank Accounts.

Travel Agent/Source.  Multi- select LOV of all Travel Agent or Source Profiles, regardless of whether they have paid or outstanding commissions.  If a specific Bank Account is selected, the LOV for Travel Agent/Source will only return those Travel Agent/Source Profiles that are associated with that Bank Account. Source is available when the Profiles>Source application function is set to Y.

Hold Reason. Multi-select LOV of all Hold Reasons. The Hold Reason field will only be displayed when the Commission>Stop Payment Processing Reason Codes application parameter is set to Y. The report output will include those reservations that are marked as Hold.  This includes those Reservations and/or Travel Agent/Source Profiles that have the column ‘H’ marked in Commission Processing.

Sort Order. Select the down arrow to choose the sort order for the report. Options include Name, Departure Date, and Commission Code.