
Custom Tier Rules

The Custom Tier Rules screen is used to configure tier rules based on a member's stay records. The conditions for a rule are evaluated to determine if a member is upgraded or downgraded to the next tier level or if the member skips to a higher tier. The conditions determine upgrades based on specific criteria, such as the property where the member stayed, the geographic region, and the rate and room information.

Tier Upgrade Process

When a stay record is processed into OCIS from PMS, it is evaluated against the custom tier rules for the tier upgrade process. The custom tier rules are evaluated in the order from the highest possible tier level the member can achieve to the lowest. If the member qualifies for a higher tier level, the rest of the rules will not be evaluated for that member. Once a member has been processed in the upgrade procedure, the member is marked as being evaluated and is not processed again.

Once the tier upgrade process is complete, the details section in the Tier Management utility displays if the member was upgraded by one of the custom rules.

Creating or Editing a Custom Tier Rule

To create a custom tier rule, select New and configure the following areas: calculation rule, tier award, conditions, rate information and room information. Select Edit to make changes to an existing rule. On the Membership Custom Tier Rule screen, select from the following fields when configuring a tier rule:

Calculation Rule

Rule Code (required). Enter a code for the tier rule for the membership type.

Rule Description. Enter a brief description for the tier rule.

Transaction Type (required). Set the transaction type to which this rule will apply (Resident or Non-Resident). Select Resident for members staying at the property and select Non-Resident for members who are not staying at the property.

Begin Date (required). Select the beginning date for the period during which the guest must check in or check out for this rule to apply.

End Date (required). Define the end date for the period during which the guest must check in or check out for this rule to apply. Leave this field empty if there is no specified end date.

Eligible Date (required). Indicate whether the guest's arrival and/or departure must fall between the Begin Date and End Date. Options include:

Arrival - The guest's arrival date must be between the Begin Date and End Date.

Departure - The guest's departure date must be between the Begin Date and End Date.

Any - Either the guest's arrival date or departure date must be between the Begin Date and End Date.

Restricted - Both the guest's arrival date and departure date (the entire stay) must be between the Begin Date and End Date.

Calculation Rule. This determines the criteria that awards the upgrade. Options include:

Stay - This rule is used to determine upgrades related to stays.

Nights - This rule is used to determine upgrades related to nights stayed. The Min. Nights field appears when this rule is selected. In this field, enter the minimum number of nights required to grant the tier upgrade.

Revenue - This rule is used to determine upgrades related to guest revenue. At least one revenue group must be configured in order to set up a revenue rule. If multiple revenue rules exist for one membership type, then the payment type will be applicable to all the revenue rules for the membership type.

When Revenue is selected for the calculation rule, you will enter a revenue amount and revenue type into the respective fields. These additional fields display when Revenue is selected and specify the amount of revenue required for the upgrade.

Tier Award

Next Tier Level YN. Select this option to designate the rule for upgrading the member to the next tier level. This option will be selected by default.

Upgrade Member Level. This LOV is grayed out when Next Tier Level is selected. When the Next Tier Level option is unselected, this LOV is enabled. The user can designate the level to which the member will be upgraded. This allows the rule to upgrade members skipping levels if desired.

Min. Nights. (Available when the Nights calculation rule is selected.) Enter the minimum number of stay nights required to grant the tier upgrade for a calculation rule based on nights.

You have the option to award either a set target tier level or award the next tier level. Both cannot be selected in the same rule.


Property. Choose the property to which this rule applies. This property code is added to any property codes belonging to the property group selected in the Property Group field.

Property Group. Choose the property group that includes the property codes to which this rule applies.

Enrollment Code. (OCIS only) Choose the enrollment code to which this rule applies. This enrollment code is added to any enrollment codes belonging to the enrollment group selected in the Enrollment Group field.

Enrollment Group. (OCIS only) Choose the enrollment group that includes the enrollment codes to which this rule applies.

Promotion Code. Select the promotion code to associate with this rule.

Membership Level. Choose the membership level to which this rule applies.

Minimum Level. Select to consider all levels above the Membership Level for the rule. If not selected, only the Membership Level selected will be considered for the rule.

Profile Region. (OCIS only) Select a profile region. A profile region consists of certain states within a country. Profile regions are configured under Configuration > Profiles > Memberships > Profile Regions.

Resv. Channel. (OCIS only) Select the down arrow and choose a distribution channel for the reservation. The point calculation rule will only apply to reservations made through the selected distribution channel.

Rate Info

Rate Code. Choose the rate code to which this rule applies. This rate code is added to any rate codes belonging to the rate group selected in the Rate Group field.

Rate Group. Choose the rate group that includes the rate codes to which this rule applies.

Room Info

RTC. (OCIS only) Select to calculate the membership upgrade based on the room to charge for the stay and not the actual room type in which the member stayed.

Room Type. (OCIS only) Displays when Stay, Nights or Revenue are selected for the Calculation Rule.) Select the down arrow and choose a room type from the Room Types LOV. Choose the room type to which this rule applies.

Room Group. (OCIS only) Choose a room group from the membership room groups LOV. Choose the room group to which this rule applies.

Room Class. (OCIS only) Select the room class to which this rule applies.