
Database Time Zone Regions

Time-sensitive information collected by OPERA and stored in the OPERA database is "time stamped" with the database server time. (The database server time zone is specified by the General > Database Time Zone Region application setting.)

Often, properties or CROs are located in time zones different from the time zone where the OPERA database server is situated. By default, when users at a remote property are viewing certain kinds of data, the time stamp associated with the data is given in the time zone of the database server. This "mismatch" between local property time and database server time can sometimes be confusing to users.

Properties and CROs can opt to view certain kinds of time-sensitive data in their local time zone by setting the Time Zone Region value on the Property Details screen General tab to their local time zone. Making this change does not affect the actual data stored in the OPERA database in any way; it does, however, "filter" the data to adjust time elements so that they display in the property's local time, rather than database server time, when being viewed at the local property.

For example, assume the OPERA database server is located in New York and the General > Database Time Zone Region application setting is set to US/Eastern. The Bella Vista hotel, located in Chicago, has its Time Zone Region value on its Property Details screen set to US/Central. A new profile was created at the hotel and entered into the OPERA database at 08:38 06/21/04 database time. However, the user activity log, when viewed at the hotel, would show the action as having taken place at 07:38 06/21/03. If no Time Zone Region setting was established for the hotel, the user activity log, when viewed at the hotel, would show the database server time: 08:38 06/21/04.

The kinds of data that are filtered in this way are:

See Also