
Detailed Room Information Function Space Tab

The Rooms screen Function Space tab provides the basic information about the room used as a function space.


Space Name. The formal name of the function space. This name appears on the Function Diary unless a Short Name is available.

Short Name. A shortened form of the Space Name, if applicable. The Shortened Name, if provided,  appears on the Function Diary and other displays.

Space Type. A pick box from which you may select the Space Type code. The Description associated with the code appears to the right of the pick box.

Location. A pick box from which you may select the Location code. The Description associated with the code appears to the right of the pick box.

Floor. A pick box from which you may select the Floor code. The Description associated with the code appears to the right of the pick box.

Description. A description of the function space. Up to 36 characters are allowed.

Display in Diary. Select this check box if this function space is to be displayed in the Rooms list of the Function Diary. Certain function spaces, such as sleeping rooms that on infrequent occasions are used as function spaces, are typically not displayed in the Function Diary.

Min Cap. Minimum number of persons for which it would make sense to book this room.

Max Cap. Maximum number of persons allowed to occupy this room by fire codes. The maximum may be less, depending on the Set Up Style selected.

Combo. Check this box if this function space is a Combination room (if it is comprised of two or more separate rooms).

Shareable. Check this box if two or more Events can be booked into the space at the same time without causing a Waitlist condition. For example, if it is a public area such as a foyer or restaurant, it may be possible for the space to be used simultaneously for more than one Event. Meeting spaces are typically not shareable.

Handicap Facilities. Check this box if the function space is equipped for handicapped persons.


Combo Rooms. This grid shows the elements, or separate rooms, that comprise function spaces that are Combination rooms.

Set Up Styles. The set up styles that can be accommodated in this function space. Details include the minimum and maximum capacities in each style, and the setup and set down times for that style.

Rates. Shows predefined Rates for this function space as set up in Configuration.


Combo. Go to the Combinations screen where room elements for the Combination room are added or deleted.

Set Up. Go to the Function Space Set Up screen where set up styles for the function space are managed.

Images. Go to the Meeting Room Images screen for view-only images of this function space in various setup styles (if available).

Rate. Go to the Function Space Rates screen to set up and manage rates for the function space.

See Also