
Detailed Folio for Payee (folio_details_payee with FOL5.FMX)

The Detailed Folio for Payee report displays all of the folios, per day, for reservations that are getting paid for by a 3rd Party Payee.

Note: The report will not include transactions that have a zero Credit or Debit value and transactions where the Credit and Debit values are blank. This report will not include Credit Bills, Passer By Folios, AR Folios and POST IT Folios.

Date Range

From Date/To Date. Manually enter, or select the calendar to choose, the date range to run the report for. Based on the range selected, the invoices that get displayed in the report output will be based on the date that the folio was created. The date range must be equal to or less than the current business date.

Profile Category

Select the option button to include all invoices of that particular Profile Type (Companies, Travel Agents, or Sources) in the report. If a specific profile(s) needs to be selected, click the Select Profiles option button and select the down arrow on the field that is displayed and the Profile Search screen appears.


Source Code. Select the down arrow to choose specific Source Codes from the multi-select list of values to display in the report. Only those reservations that have the selected Source Codes attached, at the time of generating this report, will be displayed.

Payment Method. Select the down arrow to choose specific payment methods from the multi-select list of values to display on the report. Only those reservations that have the selected Payment Methods attached, at the time of generating this report, will be displayed.

Report Output

The report is sorted, from lowest to highest, based on the folio number.