
Folio Tax Calculations

The following information pertains to the printing of tax information on folios.

Package Profit/Loss

Transaction codes which have been configured as profit/loss for a package element consider generates if they have been setup. The determination of whether or not they are inclusive or exclusive is controlled by the package configuration screen.

The package configuration screen does not allow package profit/loss transaction codes that have different generates to the package transaction code.

The posting rule regarding inclusive/exclusive transaction codes on a package element follows the normal rule that a rate code is used for the standard element. Package elements attached to the rate code will follow the rule as defined on the element regardless of whether or not it transpires into a profit or loss scenario. This means that for package elements it always ignores the transaction setup.

During the checkout process OPERA currently prints a folio and then calculates the package profit/loss (assuming that an allowance package was attached). The process calculates the profit/loss and then prints the folio. In this way the tax calculation would be correct. The above scenario can be changed to automatically handle the taxes package allowances as part of the ledger.

In the event of a package loss scenario the guest is not charged for the additional taxes. They will be internally consumed by the property. Example: Package price = $10, Allowance = $15.

Upon consumption, the posting of $15 will be made to breakfast. When the loss is posted ($5), this will be a negative amount to package loss and the respective tax transaction. Example: $4.50 loss and $0.50 tax.

Cross-Property Tax Information Display on the Folio (XNET and XVAT Merge Codes)

When the OPP_MHT3 Cross Property Revenues license code is active, the Cashiering>Inter Property Tax Trn Code application setting is used to identify the property for interface postings and for tax information displayed on the guest folio. The identifying number selected for this setting (1-9) links the source property for value added taxes and net taxes to the appropriate merge code filed on the folio.  For example, if the source property's Inter Property Tax Trn Code setting is 3, taxes originating at that property will be displayed in the fields XNET3 and XVAT3. Fields XNET1 through XNET10, and XVAT1 through XVAT10 are available for use on the sample folio.