
Interface Menu

The Interface Menu allows users to manage the status of available features of the third-party systems that interface and interact with OPERA. The list of interfaces may include PBXs and other telephone systems, key cards and card lock systems, guest messaging systems, video entertainment and movie systems, minibars systems, and so on. To access the Interface Menu, select Miscellaneous > Interfaces > Interfaces (or select the Shift+F8 Quick Keys option).

Note: You can also access the Interfaces screen by selecting the ellipsis button next to the No Post field on the Privileges screen.

At the top of the Interface Menu are three option buttons; Room Status, Keys, and Group Bar/Unbar. The available options on the screen vary based on which option button is selected. Refer to the links below for a better understanding of each of the option buttons and the available functionality.

Display Name Screen

When the Display Name check box is selected from Miscellaneous > Interfaces > Interfaces, the active Phone Vendor IFC is displayed.

Select the appropriate interface in the Interfaces grid, and then select the OK button. The Display Name screen displays the available shared rooms for the selected interface.

To manually change the name that is displayed to one of the other sharer names, select the appropriate Display Name check box. The Display Name field can only be selected for one guest name per room. In the above example of room 7777 if Share two Wake is the name to be displayed as the Phone Display Name, click in the Display Name field for that record, which unchecks the Display Name field for Share one Wake.

See Also