
Memberships Status Codes

Membership status codes may be assigned to individual memberships to define the current "standing" of the membership. For example, a membership might be characterized as PERM (permanent card mailed), REJ (does not want to join), PREF (preferences need to be selected), and so on, for whatever purposes your organization might have. A membership status can be assigned to a membership on the ORS Memberships screen (select Memberships from the Profile screen Options menu). The membership status code can then be downloaded to the properties to keep them informed of the current status of membership enrollments.

To configure membership statuses, select Profiles>Memberships>Status Codes. The Memberships Status Codes screen appears.

The Membership Status Codes screen shows the membership status codes that have been configured. The Membership Status Codes screen provides the following information.

Code. The membership status code.

Description. A short description of the membership status code.

Seq. A sequence number that determines the position of this status code in lists of values.

To delete membership status code, highlight your choice and select the Delete button.

Creating and Editing Membership Status Codes

To create a new membership status code, select the New button. To edit an existing membership status code, highlight your choice on the Membership Status Codes screen and select the Edit button. The Membership Status Codes- New or the Membership Status Codes - Edit screen appears.

Provide the following information and select OK.

Code. The membership status code. Each code must be unique.

Description. A short description of the membership status code. This description displays when searching for codes in the Membership Status Codes list of values.

Display Sequence. The display sequence number for this membership status code in LOVs. If no sequence number is assigned, the code will display in alphabetical order following any codes that have a display sequence number assigned.

See Also