

The Miscellaneous>Memberships>Export option is used to export recalculated membership points, and is only available when the license OPP EMB is active. When Export is selected the exports are filtered on membership exports only.

If multiple memberships are attached to a guest profile, the message Membership XX exists on profile. Would you like to populate onto reservation? is displayed for each membership type when creating a new reservation for this guest. If you select No to the question for each membership type, the Membership Type/No. fields will not be populated on the Reservation screen.

If the license code called OPP MEM is active, and the reservation has had a loyalty program attached to it for which points are calculated, it is possible to review from the Membership tab in the Profile screen the points history per membership type.

If a guest is a member of a club that offers discounts at your property, enter the guest's membership information in the Memberships screen.

Note: Membership points calculation are based on revenue.

Guest Records

The Miscellaneous>Memberships>Guest Records option is used to recalculate membership points, and is only available when the license OPP MEM is active. Guest Records is accessible when the permission EXPORT GUEST RECORDS has been granted. Memberships>Guest Records displays if OPP MEM is active and OPP EMB is inactive.

New. Display the membership dialog. Select a Card Type.  Enter the Card No. Enter the expiration date. Enter a Sequence number to determine the membership's ranking relative to other memberships when selected from the Reservation screen.

Level. Select a membership level from the list of values.  Press the OK button to accept the membership information or the Close button to discard the new membership information and return to the Membership screen

Edit. Highlight the membership you want to update and update the membership card information as needed. Press the OK button to accept your changes, or the Close button to discard your changes.

Delete. Highlight the membership you want to delete and press the Delete button. You will be prompted to confirm your decision.


The Miscellaneous>Memberships>Export option is used to export recalculated membership points, and is only available when the license OPP EMB is active. When Export is selected the exports are filtered on membership exports only. The Miscellaneous>File Export option is governed by Export parameters and License Codes. Based on the license code OPERA branches export files off File Exports as in the following example:

For Miscellaneous>File Export, if any or all of the following licenses or parameters are activated, File Export is displayed from the Miscellaneous menu thus letting you select a template from the Front Desk menu instead of navigating to System Configuration.