
Night Audit Credit Card Authorization (nacc_authorization with CAS15.FMX)

The Credit Card Authorization Report displays details of all credit cards that have had an authorization amount held on the card via the Batch process.  The Credit Card Batch Process Authorization can be run through the End of Day process or through the application in the following menu Cashiering > Credit Cards > Authorization. The user permission under the Cashiering group of ‘Credit Card Batch Authorization’ must be granted and the following is what is displayed based on which way the report is accessed:

Miscellaneous > Reports > nacc_authorization - This report will list all the authorizations of all types, failed / successful / declined each and every one for the given date range and based on selection criteria. This will include authorizations performed from any of the available option in OPERA such as manual, additional, Batch, Automatic, Check in, Night Audit etc.

Cashiering > Credit Cards > Authorization - When running from the Batch Authorization process, this report will automatically be generated and includes only those authorizations processed in the batch process.

End of Day Process - Includes only those authorizations that were processed in the end of day procedure.

The report shows one row per authorization and thus will not have a breakdown of details. The window column on the report will indicate the authorization request.

Selection Criteria

Date Range

Date Range. Enter a Date Range to run the night audit authorization for. All authorizations completed between the Date Range will be included in the report.


Authorized. Select the check box to include all of the authorized credit card authorizations that were processed during the Batch process.

Declined/Failed. Select the check box to include all of the declined/failed credit card authorizations that were processed during the Batch process.

Sort Order. Chronological, Alphabetical, Room No.

Card Entry. Indicates the card entry method: Swiped, Chip, Manual, or blank when unknown.